As I've probably mentioned many times before, I've been looking forward to the group, G=AGE for quite some time. In particular one member of the group caught my attention; Kazama Roi. Not only because he's an adorable hafu, but also because he was the only member of the group who wasn't in Johnny's at some point, making him kind of a mystery. Not even the Japanese fans seemed to know a lot about him at first. When the Age of Future PV was released, that only increased my curiosity about him even more as he really made an impression on me in that video.
At last though, I've managed to find a
Japanese article online that has some information about Roi and his background. So that mixed in with a few things I've picked up about him myself from his blog posts and such, here's a little introduction post about him for anyone else who might be curious.
Roi is American on his father's side and Japanese on his mother's. Initially I thought it was the other way around as he has a Japanese last name. Turns out though, that "Kazama Roi" is just his stage name. I wonder if he can actually speak English since his dad's American; I loved his English line in "Age of Future". It made me melt ;;
The first thing I thought when I saw Roi for the first time was that his foreign side is very evident - you can even see that his eyes are a kind of green-ish colour if you look closely in some photos.
He's 14, making him the youngest member of G=AGE (he's 2 months younger than MAHIRO who is also 14). Despite this, apparently he's in charge of the choreography within the group.
Roi has a younger brother named Kaiha (2008.09.05) and the two of them used to be child models. Roi modeled under a different name which is why nothing comes up even if you search "Kazama Roi" in Japanese. Here's some photos and videos of Roi when he was a model:
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(Roi is the little cutie with the green thing on his head. I have no idea what it's supposed to be lol)
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How cute! Apparently Roi likes to eat a lot and he and VASA often have eating competitions. He also loves football. He recently posted an entire blog post to try and get his fans interested in football. What a cutiepie, haha.
Look at that adorable smile! According to FUMITO, he makes a lot of bad jokes even when no-one is listening. His favourite food is rice with eggs.
Well, that's all for now. Hopefully we'll get to know more about this adorable boy as time goes on. I think he's quickly become my ichiban in this group; I'm currently resisting the urge to buy a bunch of his photocards. My niban is currently VASA but FUMITO has also caught my attention recently. This probably won't be my last G=AGE post so thanks for reading and stick around if you want to see more~