Wow, okay..

Feb 15, 2007 01:42

So.. it's been a LOOOOOOOOONG time since I posted anything so here goes everything I've been feeling since... August 2006 and since everyone seems to be posting/blogging I decided that I had some time.

I'm happy.

Oh... you wanted more? Okay.

I haven't been sleeping much due to being pre-occupied.
It's not as bad as others I'm sure, nor is this new to me. But now with me doing many things (which I'll get into later) it's starting to hit me.

From August to December things have been normal. in fact I hardly remember anything noticeable other then my desire to take photographs has raised.

Winter break gave me a good respite for some reflection and knowing where I stand in the plan I made myself when I graduated. I'm not there yet, but from what I have I'm pretty damn good.

This semester...
I'm a senior staff member of the college paper.
I'm Editor in chief of the college magazine.
I've been spending... more than 35 hours a week at school for various activities.
I'm taking another photography class since that's the main thing that's driving my photography, since it gives me a place to create the images i grab.

I've taken pictures for ruby consistently since.

I've taken about six and a half month's worth of shows for her. and I'm still loving it.
Tara no longer works there which makes me sad, though every now and then we send each other texts.

The friend situation is kinda weird.

Old Cast
I have... not renounced my gaming heritage. Though it is on an extended sabbatical, much like System of a Down is claiming to be on.

It seems as if I have lost a large part of my past and friends by no longer participating in those activities.

Steve is still good. He's doing his thing and I'm happy that he's found something he likes and is trying to excel as well as he can. It's been a while since I've seen him passionate about something. His life seems pretty hectic. Only leaving him one day, and a few nights open for anything. I hope to hang with him more often.

Taylor. Oh boy Taylor. He's moved up as well. Out of Best buy. In to Sprint. He's seeing a Filipino girl by the name of Ashley who apparently doesn't look Asian. She's a nice girl and they seem to be having fun together. I see him every now and then on his days off. Every now and then he pops up to say hi and we go for drinks. Good Kid.

Loryn is Loryn. There's not other way of putting it. She has her tantrums and rants on random things that bother her, but she's been one of the most reliable people that have been around since my last post. I love her to death. She keeps me grounded and brings me up when I really need it the most. She's awesome.

Sarah and everyone at Paladino's is still awesome. I go there every now and then to say hi and grab a drink or two. I shoot for them whenever they have a big event and I'm free.

Ruby Wendel has become a major part of my life now that I have started taking pictures for her regularly. I love her to death and she is such the sweetest girl anyone could ever meet. And apparently she says her vagina's very tight.

Chris and Alex... I haven't seen much of Them. In fact I see Them the least now-a-days.
They've been busy with work and school and hanging out with other groups of people.
Their schedules conflict a lot so They and I rarely see each other.
They're no longer the "party animals" that They used to be. (if you consider a party animal being someone who drinks a few beers and smoking a few puffs then passes out.) lol
They are still together, and I believe it's almost a year coming march, or maybe even this month.
They seem happy, though I can't really say since I haven't seen Them much. But I'm sure They are.
I don't get many calls from Them anymore, unlike how it was before, and how it is with Loryn, Taylor and even Steve.
Probably Their new friends don't like me lol
It's funny that it also seems like They've found replacements or doppleganger for Taylor, Loryn and I.

New Cast
The once minor characters have now taken larger rolls in my life.
Jordy and Val have been, for a while, my drinking buddies when we went to Chris' house for fun. Over time the three of us (four if you want to include Loryn) realized that it's getting harder to have fun there anymore. Drama has happened. Priorities have changed. Mike and I are no longer the hardcore alcoholic we once were. Taylor's too work oriented and is fatigued by the time he gets off his nine hour shifts. Chris and Alex are always heading to bed early. Loryn appears to be over it and is starting to move on.

Keryn is still as awesome as ever. It seems as if I'm still her go-to guy and I love her for that. She's always given me free things whenever I've visited any of her works. She's really fuckin' awesome. Though I won't steal her as a model.

Mike has been a useful friend and person since I've started my journalistic and photographic career. His ability to assist in free shit proves to be a 10 on the bad ass meter. Oddly enough that meter works on a 4 star system. In any case, he's a good drinking buddy and helpful in my semi-professional life.

Starbucks has become a great surprise for me. Loryn's friends (which consist of Julie, Nas and Dora) have accepted me fairly quickly and I'm impressed with that. They seem really nice and they are very bad ass.

Heather and I have been hanging out quite a bit lately. It's fun having someone to hang out with and just do nothing but watch movies with and go tanning with. As dry as she appears I really enjoy going out with her to a theater or even getting a movie from blockbuster and watching it at my place.

Newspaper staff (Kelly, Freddy, Melissa and Karina) is just awesome. I spend the majority of my time with them, and at the moment, I wouldn't have it any other way. They fulfill the needs of my ego, superego and id all at the same time. They make me feel useful, they make me laugh, I feel needed around them as well as wanted too.

Personal Current Events
For the past five months I've noticed myself starting to burn out. So I planned a five day trip to escape the valley and I'm headed to Vegas. I'm going for my birthday to unwind a bit and get a change of scenery. It originally started out as a full on birthday bash where I'd have a ton of friends there to join me and party to their delight. Sadly schedules, money and just plain forgetting caused this giant bash to be reduced to a solo trip for me. The only people who I've gotten to go are Kelly and Melissa for the last couple days, which I am so happy for.

Newspaper has now taken a large part of my life. It's fun. It gives me my stress that I'm sure everyone needs. I'm now Editor of the magazine. I seriously hope I don't fuck it up. This isn't like when I was in high school. I fucked up so badly in that. I'm just glad that someone covered my ass. Knuckle up time, self. "Lead. Follow. Or get out of the way."

Photography is great. I love it. I will never stop doing it in the foreseeable future. It has taken place of my gaming. And I'm told that it is a step up from gaming since it allows me to meet new people whenever I shoot, and I get to see gorgeous models on a consistent basis.

Tonight I had a great Valentine's Day. Yeah it's blah blah corporate... blah blah... only for money, but it was still great. I was in school from 9:30 a.m. till about 6:30 p.m. where I went to Kinko's to see Mike and laminate some things. After I had a great dinner at home with the family, followed by a wonderful movie night in Burbank with Heather.

We saw "Music and Lyrics." I loved it. Seriously did. I absolutely loved it.
Got home started writing this giant debacle of a blog.
Got a drunk phone call from Kelly. Apparently she's paying me back for my drunk phone calls to her.
And now I feel like I'm finished.

Well I'll shut up for now. So If anyone has anymore comments or questions I'll answer them like I always do.

Honestly and for My best interest :)
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