whats a girl to complain about??

May 06, 2008 23:08


hmmm... whats there to complain about life right now??

not a lot actually. im quite content with my life right now, and i dont think it could get any better.

i have an amazing boyfriend that ive wanted for the longest time, and things are going great with that. then tennis is looking up for me. im actually doing better and progressing to a better player. not only that, but ive taught to keep my temper on a down-low. so instead of telling my partner what to do, or even taking the anger out on a serve or during the game, i just let it go.

quite happy that i can accomplish something like that. you need a lot of patience with that and i have no patience. so... yay for me. ^_^

hmmm.... school is looking quite retarded right now. i hate econ, writing stupid papers for english, and teachers that dont take time to help students in adv. algebra. gah im pissed.

i have english classes. i like science more. i miss chemistry. :[ thats why i signed up for ap chem next year. yay!!! i honestly miss kobylak and chemistry. i swear, if i could, i would marry chemistry. lmfao. jkjk.

hmmm.... nothing to really complain about. cept i cant see my boyfriend as much as i would like to. -_- otherwise, things are great.... well on the optimistic side.
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