i think that maybe that person that doesnt want you to do all those things all the time really cares about you... i think that he would do anything and everythin to make you happy...all you have to do is ask me( i mean him)..i believe that all he wants is the best for your relationship with him, he tells me that he would give anything to makew you happy, wheither it be all his money, all of his time, or even a nut, im sure hed give it to make you happy. the last thing that he wants to do is lose the thing that makes him want to get up each and every day...im sure that he understands that you are in high school and want to have a good time, but he wants you to see that you dont have to do drugs and drink in order to have fun...no one said that you couldnt go to parties, just dont drink, he remembers several convos. about how you did stuff that you regreted later while you were drunk. he just dont want to be on the recievin end of one of those bad decisions...i think that you should talk to that person and let him know how you feel...since he thought everything was fine until now....
i tried to tell you that one night. but it kinda turned into an argument. and i know that usually im a pretty straightforward person, but sometimes i dont know how to approach you on certain subjects.
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