
Apr 27, 2005 20:54

- Current Clothes: the ramones tee with care bears shorts: /
- Current Mood:  cracking up watching ITS WAYNES world!
- Current Music: led zeppelin-stairway 2 heaven
- Current Taste: nothing really
- Current Make-up:nothing
- Current Hair: down,wet,curly-ish

- Current Smell: my room-ish
- Current thing I ought to be doing: "organizing things" for 2morrow(moms job)

- Current Desktop Picture:ashlee simpson
- Current Favorite Artist: ooooh too many but current? simple plan green day mcr too many!
- Current Favorite Group: heheh! n`sync dude!
- Current Book: ithe earth,my butt,and other big round things(no it is a book actually)!
- Current CD in CD Player: ramones distribute album
- Current tape in VCR: actually in "dvd" thumb warz niqqerz!
- Current Color Of Toenails: none
- Current Refreshment: diet coke
- Current Worry: lol none im watching friggin waynes world wadya think?!

- You Touched: mom
- You Talked to: mom
- You Hugged:mom
- You Instant messaged: nobody
- You Yelled At: lol computer!
- You Kissed: mom(on cheeck)

[ WH0 D0 Y0U WANT T0 .. ]
- Kill: hmm............no one really at the momento.......???
- Slap: alen a.k.a dr.phil

- Tickle: dunno y but sean.....
- Look Like: ashlee simpson
- Talk To Offline: sean.......:/

- Been kissed? duh
- Done Drugs?hell no thats 4 wackos
- Eaten an entire box of Oreos? nope yeah right
- Been on stage?oh yeah like 7 times 
- Dumped Someone?hmm....yeah
- Gotten in a car accident? no way!
- Been in love? yes....:(

[ EiTHER/0R .. ]
-Coffee or hot chocolate?   both
-big or little? big
-Lace or satin? lace
-New or old? new
-Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt? tom cruise AND brad pitt`!
-Vogue or Cosmopolitan? cosmopolitan
-Jeans or cords? both
-Sweater or sweatshirt? sweater
-T-shirt or tank top?both .....2 qether 
-Skirt or dress? skirt
-Wool or cotton? cotton
-Rose or Lily?lilly 4 shure 
-Oldies or pop? both oldies rock tho....
-Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? no........
-Do you have a best friend? yes!!! of course and i love them they r the best ive EVER had! EVER!!!

[ iN THE LAST 24 H0URS, HAVE Y0U .. ]
- Cried?yes
- Helped somene? oh yeah
- Bought something?duh`!
- Gotten sick? duh
- Gone to the movies? duh
- Gone out for dinner? yes
- Said "I love you"? yes
- Written a real letter? yes
- Moved on? yes
- Talked to an ex? yep
- Missed an ex? yeah right
- Talked to someone you have a crush on?duh
- Had a serious talk?yes
- Missed someone? yeah....:/
- Hugged someone? yes
- Fought with your parents? nope
- Fought with a friend? yes

[D0 Y0U .
- Wear eye shadow? yeah sometimes

Have a crush on someone? yes
- Eat with your mouth open? hardly
- If you got a tattoo, where would you get it?on my back(shoulder) the green day heart grenade,reeeeaallly small 
- What color is your floor/carpet in your room?floor is white tile carpet is a dog! 
- What was the last CD you bought? isimple plandk
- How did you spend last summer? ok uummm...hanging around with a "friend" watching movies acting retarded,qivinq them boy advice,making them laugh.
- When's the last time you showered? like,15 minutes ago
- Are you lonely? nope my cousins are with me
- Are you happy? yes!!
- Are you wearing pajamas? yuppo
- Are you talking to someone online?noppo
- What is your astrological sign? pisces.....dah fish......squiggle squiigle

- Your life? its kewl!

- This survey? its kewl
- Your friends?they ROCK!

- Your family?kewlness
- Your worst enemy? dont hav one
- Your bf/gf/crush's ex? whore
- Your bf/gf/crush?has none! 
- Yourself?i love myself!

its waynes world! waynes world (guitar cords) lalalalalalalalala ok well im having soooooo much fun cuz i bought a kareoke machine! but it has AWESOME songs it has like since u been gone and sk8er boy and it has....MY PEROGATIVE!oh my gosh im laughing cuz carlos is singing since u been gone and doing some william hung moves...whew *deep breathes* lmao it is soo much fun.......2morro is take ur child 2 boredom day! i mean take ur child to work dayy!!!! ok well im bored so i gotta go!


p.s: h3yy` ppl iitSz mee M3Lii` her cousziin i louhv mah bOo branden!`


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