Dec 24, 2009 03:27
Life has been so boring lately and I seriously have so much time on my hands. -le sigh-
So, I figured for anyone who happened to stumble upon this little, pointless Livejournal of mine...
I would be more than happy to beta for someone. Really. More. Than happy. XDD
It would actually give me something to do on a daily basis, you know? And I have absolutely no life so it's not like I would have any conflicts with my beta-ing. c:
Anyone interested, just drop me a comment or IM me. I have an AIM that I go on daily and a Yahoo messenger that I'm never on. xD
Though, I /do/ also check my email on a day to day basis.
SO ANYWAY! Please, please, please comment and tell me if you're interested because I sure as hell am. xD