Wurd up

Dec 29, 2004 13:55

Yoo, waz been up all? Havent updated in a while. Lets keep this short while Im happy shall we? Well, everything is going down hill but for some reason right now Im a happy ass mother fucker. I need emotional support. I need someone who is like me, I need someone who I can sure common interest in....it seems to not be happening! ::sigh:; Life just officially sucks...O well, anywhoms. Christmas sucked, X mas eve was better, After x mas was even mooreee better. I hung out w/ friends I had'nt hung out w/ in a while, and the ones that I see in a regular basis. We saw blade, talked shit, acted stupid, took pics. It was a fucking awesome ass day, and I'm so happy that it happened. I think that day made my break. Wurd up. It made me forget that i was single and fucked in the head and need someone to love me ::sniff sniffLL and for me to love them back even more...o well...::doeses around:: That was a great ass day......::hugs friends:: I love you all dearly and Im glad I have friends like ya, you all know who you are. And even if we arent all that great a friend, we still cool. Wurd up. So....who has a person for me?? hehehe...O yea, Taste of chaos concert!!! Wurd, I'm all over that like peanut butter and jelly. I'm so excited. I've been dying to see a static lullaby and senses fail!! Also bleed the dream, that band is awesome!Im so excited even though its all the way in february -_-. I'm a cornball haha. well, ttyl, heres pics.

Favorite Lyric(s) of the week: "SO Love me gently w/ a chainsawe" -Senses fail
"I'll take you to the top of this building, and just push you off, run down the stairs so I can see your face as you hit the street"- Sense fail
"On the beach I remind myself that holding hands is so powerless"- A static Lullaby
"Dust begins to fall to the ground, the air is cold and thin, thoughts are haunting me as I look around, this will never end, when I bleed forever."- Avenged sevenfold.
Me on x-mas....soo happy...right -_-
friends and I..my tongue blue w/ shiny tongue ring haha damn flash, We all bunched up cuz i took the pic haha
Sammy n Kenny lmao
Kenny me and Ash
to see mores go to: http://www.livejournal.com/users/drdreswankey/
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