Some shit....yea

Nov 14, 2004 20:35

So wazzup ya? Life has been a bitch..biting me in the ass every chance it gets it seems. I hope I can fight through it...cause with the way things are going , I just want to die. Seriously...someone please plug me! Anywhose...Yesterday Mike and I made 6 months! Yay. Thats probably the only good thing besides school that I have going on right now. I'm soo happy that we're together...He makes me so happy, and My feels are strong for him...which is a scary and exciting experience. Oh well, I'm in for the ride.
On other note, I miss some of my friends! Friend such as Andrea, SHakia, Janelle, tay tay, Robbie, Kimian, Melz, ect. I havent seen alot of you guys in ages! I need to call ya'll and chill. Some of ya whom I havent mentioned are either locked up somewhere or in college. I hope to see ya'll again though.
SO yea, yesterday I hung out w/ ash and kenny for the whole day which was refreshing since all 3 of us havent been together in while. I missed all of us together for real, for real. We sat in barnes and Nobles and read books...mostly sex books haha. It was cool. We spoke about our sexual desires, and if we could have a 3 some who would it be with....Me being me asked if I could have more than 3 people haha. So typical of me.
oo....Exciting news, I finally got the original copy of avenged sevenfolds "Waking the Fallen". I fucking love this cd! So yea...I'm a wreak...but I'm strong, so hopefully I can make it through. Also, I've done alot of thinking about my aspiration in life, and its either:
*General Surgeon
Not sure yet though...I think I shall reach for the stars...a.k.a the one with the most money lol well, catch u laterZ.
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