Doubted Memories Chp.5-Confusion

Nov 20, 2010 17:25

  I felt myself slightly blush. Gaara's face was just inches away from mine, I didn't know how to react. Suddenly I saw Gaara's face leaning closer towards mine. I shut my eyes not knowing what to expect.

"Theres no need to run Uzumaki-kun," I shivered as Gaara  whispered in my ear.
  "Um, yeah, I'm sorry Gaara," I said wondering what was with me...why was I blushing?

We started to walk and  I suddenly noticed we were still holding hands. It wasn't uncomfortable but it made me concerned to what the villagers or other ninjas would think. I tried to loosen my hand but, Gaara wouldn't let go, so I let it be. Some people looked at us weird and it made me feel unease.

"You've been too silent for your usual self Naruto, is something bothering you?" Gaara suddenly asked his forehead creased in concern.
  "Uh, no of course not, it's just that..nothing," I said letting it go.
  "Is it because of Sasuke?"
  "More or less," I replied sorrowfully.

Once we've made it to IchiRaku Ramen, the atmosphere was uncomfortable. We both looked at eachother and suddenly looked away when our eyes met. Was this normal? Well I hope it is.

"Eh...Oji-chan can 2 bowls or miso-pork ramen?" I asked my voice shaky.
  "Coming right up." Said Teuchi-san.

"So uh, how've you been Gaara?" I asked cautiously.
  "Do you like being Kazekage?" I asked.
  "More or less."
  "Gaaah! Would you talk to me?! Your acting like that boy 3 years ago who only cared about himself and only loved himself! Are you feeling alright?" I asked almost shouting.
  "I'm fine, Naruto-kun," Gaara said with a small smile.
  "Um...okay...lets eat!" I said cheerfully as Teuchi set the bowls in front of us.

I began eating my ramen. Oh my god this was so good. I practically slurped the whole bowl in mere seconds. I really was a ramen addict. I looked over at Gaara and saw his bowl still untouched.

"Oi Gaara! Don't you want your ramen?! I'm paying!" I said.
  "If you insist...only if you feed me," Gaara said with a smirk. A smirk that looked just as Sasuke's.
  "Uruse teme!" I shouted holding back tears.
  "Naruto-kun? Why is there water in your eyes?" Gaara asked his eyes widening.
  "It's nothing-"gasp"-I just have something in my eyes" I said wiping my tears away.
  "Naruto, please don't lie to me," Gaara whispered huskily. I suddenly felt warm broad arms embrace me and felt somehow safe.
  "Ga-ara...what are you doing?" I said suddenly crying in Gaara's arms.
  "Consoling you...I'm sorry," Gaara apologised.
  "Why? You didn't do anything to me," I said.
  "I made you remember of someone you cherish and lost," Gaara said soothingly. 
  "I- I wanago home," I whined gripping Gaara's shoulder.
  "Let's go then,"

My mind felt so sad and yet so blank. I did not know how to feel or what to do. I suppose Gaara paid for the ramen. Because before I knew it I was floating up to the sky with Gaara sitting beside me, my head on his shoulder.

"How are we flying?" I asked dazed.
  "Flying? We're not. We're just floating on sand that I've hardened to carry us to your apartment." Gaara said looking at me tenderly.
  "Oh," I replied.
  "I also never really thanked you properly from saving me from the Akatsuki. Naruto I am indebted to you. Thank you for saving me, thank you for being there for me and for being my friend." Gaara said smiling.

My eyes widenned. Gaara looked so happy just now. If he were to smile that way more often he'll be making more friends in no time. The way I knew him, he was so serene and peaceful, yet always being serious and yet kind. He was really mature, compared to me we were nothing alike. That's probably the reason why he was choosen Kazekage. I'm such a kid! Then again that's my awesomeness!

"Naruto-kun?" Gaara said.
  "Uhh...yeah no problem! Your my friend! Ofcourse I'll save you!" I said smiling widely.
  "We're here," Gaara said jumping off the disc of sand.

I jumped off and walked to my apartment door.  Once I opened it I turned around hoping to welcome Gaara inside...although it was a mess....I'm sure he wouldn't mind right?

"Oi Gaara! You wanna come in?" I asked folding my hands behind my head.
   "Yeah," He said with a smile. I was starting to like that smile.
   "YOSH! Let's try some sparring later," I said smiling.
   "Your loss," 
   "Hey! What is that supposed to mean!? I'm going to beat your ass Sasu-"

No! No! No!

Not again, I dont want to bein his shadow for all my life. I never loved him, yet I never truly hated him....then what is he really to me? Is Sasuke really my friend? Or is he just a comrade? I'm so confused!
Gaara...can you understand my pain? Just like the last time....? I understood yours all the same. Because somehow we both, were no longer the same. Gaara has been liberated from this curse, I still....I still haven't....why must I suffer this way? 
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