Just a short story to pass the time...

May 31, 2007 22:36

You know, I never knew how much stock I should put into fortune cookies. It always seemed like they'd come true, but when I got one I didn't want, I'd forget about it. I'd say to myself, "This isn't really anything, just a randomly generate note in cookie that doesn't even taste good." That was the arguement, and I sort of wonder now what I actually think about them. I recently got one that said "Luck is coming your way". What does that even mean, I asked myself. What kind of luck? Good? Bad? Is there any other kinds of luck? I'm always asking questions when it comes to 'fortunes'. When I read the fortune, things seemed to get better. I felt like I could lift the weight off my shoulders for at least a little. At the same time, though, I keep telling myself somewhere in the back of my head that it's just a piece of randomly selected paper. I could've just as easily gotten one that said "Keep your friends close" or "Never smell the inside of a hat". So what makes this one special, right? Maybe it's the fact that I got that one fortune out of the millions that I could've ended up with.

Maybe that's how they work. Maybe there's always just one for you to have. One just for you for that one moment. I never know what to do with the fortunes after I get them either. Friends have told me that it only comes true if you eat it, which I thought was ridiculous. I've heard that ripping it in half also releases the 'magic' of the fortune. But me, personally? Well, I choose to leave it on the table. I let it sit. And I feel like when whatever it is that is supposed to happen, happens...then it dissapears. And it does. Everytime.

Maybe I put too much stock into future predictions. It's always in motion. So how could any piece of paper know? Maybe it's not the paper...maybe it's the person. Maybe someone sees it, and he decides, "Hey, this sounds good. I'm gonna make it happen". Subconsciencly, of course. Maybe it's the person that makes the fortune true. Maybe a fortune is just a push in the right direction. Well, what do I know? I don't write fortunes...I just read them.

I thought I'd figure something out today, and I came to this conclusion: I
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