Jun 05, 2005 00:03
Kazuya had got in there first when they got back. Mainly to keep the others out. Hey there was some people he did not want at his party unless it was to drown them in the springs. Kaz smiled at the thought as he looked into his bag of goodies. It was only 2 bottles of saki and a few packs of smokes but it was all good he did have a backup.
Miyavi was going to bring the snacks and some foreign alcohol he got from his dad's collection. He assured Kazuya that some of it was pretty strong. They'd need it for Kazuya was planning on having a good old fun fashioned game of truth and dare and its way better if the people playing were a little tipsy. The rules was simple if someone called your name you choose truth or dare and they come up with one for you. Fail to do a dare or refuse it you get kicked in the nuts and if you lie on your truth question you get kicked twice as hard cause Kazuya hated being lied to.
That applied for all except his brother, if Kazuo didn't like it he had already got permission from Kazuya to name someone else and they would have to do the dare or answer the question. Only Kazuo had that privilege though. Kazuya stood back by the spring admiring his work and waiting for the others to arrive.