
Jun 06, 2005 00:02

me trying to be sexy...does it work?

monnica at the disney store w/ a heffalump, stitch and bear!!!! What a kid...pfft


this is the first ever time i have ever touched a live journal(round of applause). it has come to my attention that many people like to talk shit about me on a live journal or myspace without me knowing anything. then when people read it they get the wrong impression or misunderstand and then to everyone i seem like a metro. to start, im not metro, never will if uve never seen one before and u like to lick chocolate off my face then dont call me one.chelsea, elise, eric, D1 unda 666(AIM), anyone that had any relation to the afdc, anyone in doolin,...u have to know(and i did my research) there are more than 73% of teens our age slitting thier wrists, taking out anger on others, suiciding, stealing shit, losing the only life theyll ever have, all because people like the afdc, or the commander in cheif and creator eric o. feel like rebeling on someone hu has never afflicted anything negative on them. i think that its really f!@#$% up that people have to be against me when ive done nothing to them. i did not lay a finger on anyone. call anyone any names like metro, or even the word RETARDED! i didnt deserve this.i didnt deserve to be called something i didnt think i was. metro. i didnt deserve to be the certer of attention... in a colt! never have i done anything to offend anyone! im not that person. but if u people want?! then go ahead ruin a life. suicide isnt a crime!!!!!!!!! hope ur proud of that. i am fed up with this bull!@#$ i trully hope every single one of you are proud pat urselves on the bak. because u have officially avoided crime. hey girls wat if some one you knew told you that you were a tom boy all because you wear hats and you despise the thought of being called a tom boy?and all you did to that person to deserve being called thatwas........ nothing? hey guys wat if one mano told you that they seriously thought you were homosexual all because you take care of your nails,when all you put is probably a shiny vasceline to keep from the cancer from spreading to the finger bone? and then tells the whole school that ur gay?! sounds pretty fair doesnt it? well guess wat i dont think its fair to the 73% of teens in the US that kill or suicide or even hurt themselves all because of something like the afdc,or being called metro? one things right...its WRONG! please comment on what u feel p.s. i loved your party monnica hope you had a blast p.s. chelsea i dont know where you got brand new from but i think senses fail and underoath is harder than brand new by a mile.
(Reply to this)

OMG DANNY IM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SORRY you should've TOLD ME THIS and I wouldn't have said ANYTHING, about this AFDC shit (by the way I was only in it because of what you did to elise, then afterwards she wasnt upset...so I got out of it as soon as I could.) I admit to you that I was wrong, some one told me about the brand new shxt...You're right, you didn't deserve this. I wasn't even in it for a day, you have to believe me danny. Im so completely sorry, you're a cool guy, and honestly, I seriously feel like shit for doing this to you even though I wasn't even in the whole "cult" for a day. You didn't deserve that, okay. And the thing is, I was just mad about the elise thing...okay? I mean, she didn't deserve that. So I got out of hand...but at least I didn't start it okay, I'm not that fucked up. So once again, im very VERY VERY VERY sorry... oh and ellis was never in it. Which made me get out of it, other people didn't have reasons to go and do this completely stupid shit to to you, but I am one of elise's closest friends and so I felt that I should like hate you.....but I DONT. so yeah, now you know the truth. I dont care about what anyone thinks but that stupid-ass AFDC shit, all i know is that it was fucked up, and not right to you. I know you care for yourself, hell...i wish all guys would do that-pfft. thats why you're hot. :P oh and another thing, don't fucking take it out on me, dammit. Because at least I never said about you, wrote "AFDC" on my knuckles, or called you metro to your face. and being metro doesn't mean your homosexual. metrosexual means that you take care of yourself, which you do. I won't call you it, though. Good luck in high school, and I hope we can be friends in spite of this.

blah. wow. danny...he like bitched me out on my own livejournal. Let me just say:

I never called him names, and was only really in it for a day. Francis was right. It was really immature. So lovely. Because of actions that I should've thought twice about...the really hot guy hates me. Grand. I apologized, however I don't really know if he'll look at it again. I hope he does, because that was really stupid of me. God...the things I do to impress others. Monnica's right... I should think before I act...-sigh-.
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