May 04, 2004 21:23
sorry but my lj is being fucking gay and its pissing me just live with this untill i fix mine...thanks
today was about the worst day of my all hte bad thigns were happening to me, i didnt let it get to me. it was weird...usually i flip out and go crazy and bitch at everyone and wow. it was different.
well heres my day.
it starts off with me sleeping in(on purpose) to miss second hour gym so i didnt hav eot run the mile...that didnt work out. so i go to connectioins and i didnt get voted for the ambasador thign for hi skool so that sucked. then first hour mrs roy had her baby's foot up her ass or something. geez she was cranky!
second hour gym i ran the mile 8min 30 sec. not too bad but i passed out on the floor for about five min. god i hate long distance.
third hour was kinda fun. fourth was gay fifth was gay adn sixth...intresting. i had a snap up skirt on today and bj decided to pull on it os the whole thing came luckily no one saw. damn him :) lol i love him.
well track was stupid we talked about htemeet....booooring. but kayla was showing me the difference between dead fishes and normal clean was funny. anyway we ran to a cone and back and that was stupid and i saw jake and if i had my way i would pound him in the face cuz i hate him so damn much. but anyway, my right butt cheek fell asleep and wow i thought i was gunna get butt surgery or osmething it felt sooooo weird! well i went to kaylas after and i forgot my science book so i had to look for htat after and then me n kayla got in a water fight and we went to her house and ate soem tacos then went to the cheer thing. so tired and stressed and mad and upset and scared adn everything else that falls under those catogories...this whole cheer track practice try out thing is getting to me. its too much at once. i need a break. then on top of it all this homework that i gota do...i promised myself i would turn all of it in. but i dont know. this is alot for me. and hten this whole cheerleading thign is like woah. there is just so much goin gon this week its crazy. i really need a break.
well tomarrow we have a meet against south =/ then right after i have the clinic. ill be home late tomarrow.
thursday we hav epractice for track and then i have the clinic....wont be home that day either.
friday i guess amanda and shea are coming over and we are going shopping for our cheer try out stuff and they are spending the ngiht...then the next morngin we have try missing my niece and nephews bday for this....first bdays....god this is gunna be a shitty week.
im like dead...i dont work no batteries are broken or something. I NEED OUT!!!!!!!
oh...tomarrow is fishy sucker sale....=D im excited
<3 bj i love you. you are my everything.<3