Jan 24, 2006 20:03
Vex not thy spirit at the course of things; they heed not thy vexation. How ludicrousand outlandish is astonishment at anything that may happen in life.
-Marcus Aurelius
I just woke up from a really nice nap. I wish it were a bit longer. Today was an OK day to start of 2nd Semester. I didn't really change classes but I replaced two study halls with Contemporary Lit. No more Amy, Nick, and Tyler!! :( I loved doing nothing with them in the choir room. Except Chat about politics, movies, and oh, drugs hah! We had great pow-wows. I dont know why but I dont want to be in choir anymore. I cant even believe I'm typing.. or even thinking those words .. but it's true. I've lost all desire to be in that class anymore.. it seems almost pointless. I've got more that enough credits.. Anywho, I've got Alyssa in my Contemporary Lit class, which should be interesting.. since she almost got caught sleeping during class. I'm sorry but I absaloutly HAVE to complain. WHY do I HAVE to go to ADVISORY??? it's on the OTHER SIDE of school!!! and then trying to walk back to class within 4 minutes.. THATS TORTURE! Let see what else, oh Mr. Jackson is pretty awesome. I think I'll enjoy having him as my orchestra teacher. Things ran smoothly and haha he didn't fall asleep. Pit was fun, being around Wendy, Tabitha, JJ and Laura really makes my day.They're such crazzy kids. The songs in Oklahoma are pretty catchy.. which sucks because now its all stuck in my head! Havn't heard from BGSU... kinda makes me anxious... even though they told me three weeks when I find out.. O.O THat school definately had higher standards then Kent. I know I didn't do too well cuz it was my very first audition.. ever! Standing on that stage.. with like 5 or 6 judges staring at you.. its pretty scary. Then hearing other people who were definately better... yeah not a huge confident booster f'sho. Piano was pretty nifty I got to personally have a chat with the staff and they seemed a lil easier to communicate with.The Russian professor was espsecially my fav dude hehe. I dont know.. I do really like Kent.. but thier music program definately is NOT as strong as BGSU's. They have an entire building dedicated to music! and well Kent has it shared with Speech.. which I dont mind but ehh.. We shall see.. pshh I dont wanna get my hopes up though I screwed up pretty baad. Well enough of me rambling I'll probably write more later.. or something Oh yeah I spent half and hour stuffing that damn music (111 pages) into little page protector thingies.