May 10, 2007 07:18
i went around yesterday asking people how old they thought i was and their reason why. most of the answers i got were either 21 or 22 years old. I was pretty flattered at the reasons why. I guess its because i get along with everyone and i can be serious when i need to be serious and outgoing when its appropriate. Even the drill sergeants respect ME, because i respect THEM. well, you might ask "doesn't everyone respect the DS?" Yes, but you will always hear me respond with a "Yes, drill sergeant" or "No, drill sergeant" ... you will always see me stand at parade rest when talking to one... Even officers. I walked up to our company commander today, (instead of passing by) and stopped and saluted him. Alot of things here seperate the boys from the men.. who actually cleans the barracks and who doesnt... who does what the DS tells them to do, and who doesn't. Who reports to their place of duty on time and who doesn't... No drill sergeants bother me, because i don't bother them.