Jun 14, 2004 17:17

from here on out...all of my lj entries will be FRIENDS ONLY....post to me added...i'm just tired of the fuckign lame anonymous posts...out

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Your most recent post to dont_cut has been deleted. cuio June 17 2004, 13:05:17 UTC
Your most recent post in dont_cut has been deleted, due to your triggery icon. Images of cuts, weapons, blood, et cetera are not allowed in dont_cut. Please see this community memory [http://www.livejournal.com/users/dont_cut/468053.html] for information about icons, including how to select a different icon when posting to dont_cut.

You may re-post your entry with a different icon, if you'd like. Here is the text of your original message:

okay so i recently just cut...i really cant stand being alone all the time...it makes it way easier to cut...its not helping the fact that i am trying to stop...i dont knwo if i ever will be able to stop, seriosuly...it literally seems impossible to stop now..i dont know what else to do. my mom have threaten to send me to a councelor, just because i am always depressed or sad...she has no idea that i cut. i am really scared that when she finds out that one she is gonna flip out at me or she is going to be really disapointed or scared or something...i dont even know what her reaction will be. this kinda makes me want to tell her so she isnt just surprised by it all...i dont really like councelors but i think that if maybe i find a good one they may be able to help me stop this. its just getting to an uncontrollable level....i really dont knwo if i should tell her or not..i am really really scared of her reaction...ehh good i am so confused abotu what i should do...i think i just need to think about it some more? ahhh why did i ever have to start...

Thank you.

Maintainer, dont_cut.


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