Jul 19, 2006 21:14
so to make a long Long LONG story short...at work katie and i asked this ass-wad of uselessness girl to watch one of the clients. ONE. we had the other 4 downstairs with us while we were writing up incident reports. not more than three minutes later katie went upstairs and came back down and asked me if i knew where the client was. we ran around the house and found in the ROAD where road CONSTRUCTION was going on hanging out with the roadworkers until we got him. She was asked to watch ONE kid and in THREE minutes he managed to get past her, run a flight of stairs, out the front door, unhinge the fence and make it up the road about 300 yards. I watched him for six months and NEVER had him even make it out of the house alone. HOW DO YOU FUCK UP WATCHING ONE PERSON!!!!! (sry...it pisses me off how dumb this girl is) Shes HORRIBOLE at her job. she sits around watching other ppl do shit and askin questions(dumb ones too) and only ever resonding with an "ooooh, oooookkkk" ill be gettin the kids snack "oh she likes pretzals?" "um yeah...shes eating them isnt she?" "oooooh, oooookkkk..." GOD! im sorry i can NOT stand complete stupidity.
so anyway(yeah this is actually the short version lol) after i called about 1000 people to report and AWOL case my boss calls me and tells me to call DDD(division for developmently disabled) and report that we need a case worker for a NEGLECT case. YEAH! So Katie, me and the fat useless dumb-ass are all being investigated to see whos going to be charged with neglect.
(just a reminder:being charged with neglect is just as bad as being charged as abuse. being charged gets you FIRED and banned from ANY job with kids, such as teaching or being a docotr, daycares, ANYTHING where you would come in contact with kids you will NEVER again work at...welcome to a life of the shittiest jobs ever)
so katie and i both swear if they try and blame it on EITHER of us...well fucking both sue-there is NO way im taking that bullshit. i am better with the fucking kids than half the people at my job and everyone damn well knows it.
so tommarow will be fun! investigationstion time begins...