(no subject)

Jun 03, 2004 10:01

Well I havent updated in forever lol Im the biggest slacker when it comes to my journal. Anyways its been sorta a stressful week for me, Chris calls me at work on Tuesday all kinds of upset. Saying he doesnt have a job anymore, He said he made one small mistake on some big shots racing engine hes boss was building and bam he got fired. It sucks hardcore because this job was the shit the money was beyond excellent plus it was close to home, and it was different then regular old mechanics and I know he enjoyed working there. Atleast the guy is letting him work all of next week too, I know he wont have trouble finding a job, but most places will want him to cut his hair and take his lip ring out, Which he is not trying to do whatsoever. But I guess if it comes down to a point were we need to money desperatly he'll do it. My salary alone we can be alright on temporaily but hopefully he finds something soon. We have decided to still go away this weekend to Ocean City because who knows when we will get another chance to get away. We are going to leave tomorow, friday around 8am, Im glad we have a early checkin at the place we are staying at. It should be a nice romantic weekend, were we can get away and not have to worry, Only thing is alot of high school kids graduated this week so all the kiddies will be down there which can be annoying lol but we will hang out at all the clubs and bars which only allow 21 and older lmao, Because the last time I went down there it was beach week and I almost got in a fist fight with some little brat on the bus. Teenagers I swear such a pain in the ass hahaha j/k well Thats about it for now love you <<33
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