
Apr 27, 2005 10:58

Havent updated this thing in forever, I guess its time, My mom died last thursday she wasnt my biological mother but my mother in law. But she was my mom in my eyes, I loved this woman more then anything. She was wonderful, kind, caring, giving, and I cherish every minute I was able to spend with her. My husband is taking her passing quite hard, along with his entire family. His brothers are still fairly young, and it breaks my heart to see them go threw so much pain. But I am going to do whatever is needed to make things easier for them, I can never replace there mom. But the day before Kathy passed I promised her I would take care of her boys, and be the best mom I can be to them. Cancer is such a son of a bitch, What it is capable of just makes me sick. To take a beautiful strong woman of 46 and poison her body till there is nothing left but a empty shell. Life is so fragile, we never know if the next second is our last. Beside that things have been decent I supose. Still struggling with the addiction thing, the never ending problem that has plagued my life for over a decade now....But each day is a new day and a new beginning. Just need to learn from my mistakes and move on. Find out what caused me to wanna get high, and tried not to repeat that behavior. I know I am sick of the cycle. Getting high, hurting the ones I love, being dopesick, everything especially after all my clean time. But having Chris makes everything so much better. He is the most understand person I have ever met. And the more I fuck up it seems the more he loves me. I know I prob wouldnt be alive right now if it wasnt for him, and the change he has brought in my life. I thank God every day for him. I thank God pretty much for my whole life, I have a great job, wonderful family, everything I could ever need. Why I continue to jeoprodize thing I will never know. I guess thats enough for now.... Thanks for all of you that sent emails, and message regarding my mom passing, your great, I love my friend so much, you makes things so much better during the rough patches.
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