I’ll take a better pic and edit this better later so I can upload it again. ^___^
I was talking to (a slightly coffee-high) Mindy last night and she asked me what’s ‘over’ (because it was my status in msn). And for some reason, I finally understood what I sort of wanted to be over and, get this, I actually needed to use the ending of Harry Potter to explain why. Hahaha.
So basically, I’m apparently not sad anymore. Unlike J.K. Rowling, I’m sticking with this ending for now, so as not to risk ‘ruining’ it.
I hope there’s a next book though. *crosses fingers* (no not a Harry Potter one. XD)
Also, hopefully, it starts end of the year. But that’s sort of just a side story to a bigger picture. Which I also hope comes out.
Okay what am I saying? Haha
Apparently I know things I didn’t know I knew. It was actually PaoRo my shinything! Syndrome…twin [since we’re also both part girl and part boy and all. Sort of. Haha. I kid.]/ex-..wife?/robot..person/(you know, we never established what we are XD) who helped me realize I liked ----. And now Mindy extracted this weird… ’profound’ Harry Potter ending metaphor out of me.
Oh which reminds me…
Rachel : It’s like all my life everyone’s been telling me, ‘You’re a shoe! A SHOE!’ What if I don’t want to be a shoe? What if I want to be… a purse? Or a blouse?… * listens to dad on the phone* wha - no I don’t want a new blouse. … IT’S A METAPHOR DADDY!!
Btw: Pot’s debut was fun! ^___^ Jus and Jeki ‘practiced’ at our house while Roz, Oz and I bummed around them, and it was really fun haha. I really missed that.
Super belated Happy Birthday again to my Wifey and Teenuh!!!!
I can’t directly say what I feel, so I’ve been making some graphics and … music is really the only way I can express it. Oh and duh, like I said, graphics. Here’s the first of the lot:
I know it looks crappy, but I guess I was feeling crappy when I made it? And every part of it really means something, so I guess that’s not nothing.
Edit:...okay NOW I'm over it. Seriously. HAHAHA. I'M BAAAACKKK!!!!