Feb 16, 2005 16:18
So today was fuck all and piss off everyone before I wank in your direction. I am getting so sick and tired of going to school. I hate the drama of highschool. it's all such a joke.
Anyway..on a lighter note I got the John Lennon box set and his acustic CD today, and o make everything even better its almost St.Patrick's Day!! Yippie! *dances*...so right...Tomarrow is a blue day so its going to suck tomarrow also.
Eric <333 Idle was on the Daily show lastnigt. It was hot sex. I watched the last 20 minutes of Nuns on the Run to lastnight. I need to rent it.
I am wicked nervous to play Lax this year because lately lots of people have been telling me that we run like 2 miles every practice and that when games actually start Libby and Deb go phyco. But my mom will kill my face off if she spends a bunch of money on it and I only last a week. So if I play this year, i really have to play!
Well Im out
...The Comfy Chair?!...