Naked Bananas are eating my brain!!

Sep 03, 2004 14:32

Well everyone, this will probably be my last post for a while. I wont be on the cp Saturday,Sunday, mostlikly Monday and Tuesday. This goddamned Hurricaine! If we lose power then Im not going to be on for god knows how long! I am trying to think up a new screen name. I am sick of XxMerseyBeatxX! My last 3 screen names were Beatle related, so I don't really want this next one to be. I want something Star Trek related. I guess Garret will be the most help on this, so Garret...I need your Star Trek skills on this one. Bahaha. So yeah. I now HATE everyone with the name Frances. So if your name is Frances you better whatch your back! But everyone reading this right now is safe because I happen to know everyone on my friends list does not have the name Frances.


There is a Star Trek marathon on right now so I am off...

Stupid fucks next door are tapeing their windows, it dosent work. So it looks like they are going to die. Oh well the people next door were mean anyway.

...Peace and Love...
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