
Jun 02, 2004 08:10

so today in my career class the loverly instructor was talking about outsourcing and how it wasn't a big effect on the economy. now, idk where this woman is getting her facts from but its bull shit. outsourcing is WHY our ecomnomy is so bad. outsourcing isn't the effect of bad economics, its the reason. all this companies are taking jobs away from people who work in factories and giving them to a little cambodian kid for 12 cents and hour. now, there is some economic theory that says when our country loses a factory job a more hight tech job is available. first off, thats bull shit. second, if these people are working in a factory sewing footballs i highly doubt they have the resources to lean programming skills. so the all in all effect of this outscourcing craze is the economy falls. and i'll tell you why. these factory jobs most likely belong to the lower class, people who are just barely making it by with the aid of welfare of bordering on the line of poverty. so when we take away their jobs and give them to some starving kid in a sweatshop, they either need more welfare or they drop below the poverty line and go on welfare. so now the welfare rare is higher, the government now needs to support these people. where does the government get money from? taxes. who pays taxes? people in the working class and upper class with respectable jobs. now these people who didn't have a ton of money to start with but enoughto support themselves and live comfortably or even better have tax hikes. so more of their pay checks are going to support these underclass bitches. (yes underclass, they were lowerclass, then they dropped farther down and became less than lower class) so, now the people that should be spending their money on things (aka supporting the economy) have to cut expences and can't afford whats out there anyway since everything costs so much since no ones spending money. i mean, its simple bussiness, company wants to make money, sees an opurtunity, seizes it. but while they might be florishing, the country that is the only reason they exist, and most likely buys most of their stuff is running out of money, so their sales drop. the rich arnt getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. bush has the right idea with this tax break for the wealthy. i dont care what any of you liberal bitches say. since outsourcing isn't going to stop the only thing we can do is buy their sweatshop products and boost their sales so the prices might maybe go down, or they stop being such jews and give some americans some jobs. and wheres the point to giving poor people tax breaks. they should be supporting welfare since they'll probably be on it soon enough anyway. the working class can live with paying some higher taxes because it really does benifit everyone. more sales means more demand wich means more productions wich means more jobs, sure half or more of them will go to 8 year olds in africa but the rest go to americans, so it does boost the economy wich REALLY needs to happen. i would gladly give what ever the precent is of my paycheck to the government. i dont care, its neeeded. and i'm not gona cop out and try to use the 'i odnt agree with what the government spends the money on' bull shit. eventually some of my money will go to things like education, maybe not alot of it, but some, and the rest will probably go to welfare and shit but it comes full circle eventually and people need to realize that. everyones so concerned with themselves personally. thats not what this country was founded on you fucks. read the pre-amble, that right there tells you the foundations of the country's belief system. its not so much a love for my race rather than i love for other ameicans i have. and when i say americans i dont mean anyone born here. just because you were fortunate enoughto be born on american soil does not make you american. or just because someone gave you a peice of paper saying that you are now an american doesnt make you one. people who want to leach what they can from the system are not americans, people who go around wasting my time trying to tell me bush is a retard, not americans, people who take advantage of their "rights" are not americans. you have no rights. you shouldn't at least, everything is privlege. we should just make a fucking island where we throw everyone who wants to just sit around and bitch about 'the system'. if you dont want to pay your taxes and do the little that is required of you dont expect these "rights". its privlege you have a judge to bitch to when someone fucks you over. its privlege that you have a police officer to watch the streets, even alittle. its not a right to have a government taking care of you. if you dont want to help the general welfare (no welfare like 'i got fucked again and need more money for my kid' welfare) get out. i'm sick of hearing about inalienable rights. pursuit of happiness? fuck that. your only right as a human is to not be murdered, beaten, harrassed, etc. no one has to take care of you, and honestly, whos going to enforce those rights when you dont have a government taking care of you? yeah, thats what i though, its anarchy you fucking punk. it wont work, EVER. be fucking glad you have a government babying your ass. sure it has its flaws, sure we're killing people like crazy in the middle east, to be honest. i dont care. people die, its war. and do you know why we're still in the war? someones human rights were being violating in a country that we dont live in. yes, americans and iraquis are dieing everyday because this country had all these 'inalienable rights' that no one was enforcing. but back to outsourcing (yes this whole thing was relevant to outsourcing) these companies dont realize they're fucking over the government that gave them the country that allowed them to start up a big bussiness and flourish, because thats really what the government wants, people to flourish. and i know they is bound to be some anarchist fuck that is going to try to tell me the government is trying to fuck them over. and my response is no, you fuck. you're fucking yourself over by trying to be a reble. you have some of the best shit going for you. you practically have every opurtunity to succeed handed to you on a silver platter. but you're too punk rock to take it. i have no sympathy for people who dont succeed, chances are, its their fault. unemployment is sucha good thing, it is practically temparary welfare, except it comes from the taxes you've been paying and bitching about. yes, its true, the government isn't here to fuck you over, it actually does work and thats why our country's been around for so long. yeah kids, its about time kids stopped looking at whats going to effect themselves at this very moment and start looking at the bigger picture and the long run. stop bitching, pay your taxes, do what you can to make something of yourself because every person that does nothing with their lives is taking a shit the amazing thing america is. if someone handed you a free ride to life would you turn it down? i think not. and thats what american is doing to pretty much everyone. be glad you're not living in a hut in africa hiding from some insane aids ridden tribal worrior with a spear trying to kill you because he thinks you looked at his coconut funny. yes, you have it damn good even if you do live in the ghetto. so stop your bitching you fucks.
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