.oo1 When you are older (or if you have it now- don't worry we all will get it)- and you get gray hair, will you dye it? If so, why? If not, why? What color do you think you'll dye your hair? Is that your natural color? Explain.
~Eh... I guess I'd probably dye it for a while, but then I guess you just get used to it because it comes with age and it doesnt really matter anymore. I'd probably dye it my natural color... naturally, which would be ... *sigh* red.
.oo2 If life was like exchanges, what past memory would you exchange and what new memory would you put in it's place? Do you think that would change you as a person today? Explain.
~I dont like questions like this, what's done is done and you cannot change or fret about what things would have been like if you did them differently.
.oo3 When people say, "I like this.. *whatever*" and you don't like it, how do you react? Do you think you can be judgmental? If so, why do you think you are? Would you try something you don't like or no? (Don't worry if you wouldn't a lot of people wouldn't- it's human).
~If I dont like something, I say I dont like it. Yes I am judgemental, because I have my own opinion, I'm not going to say that I like something just because someone else does and I want to seek their approval. Yes I would try something I didnt like... cuz if I had never tried it, then I wouldnt REALLY know if I didnt like it. Cuz you cant judge anyTHING or anyONE, if you dont KNOW or at least try to get to know them.
.oo4 Do you believe that everyone is meant to have a soul-mate? Do you think you'll find yours or have you found yours? What is your definiation of a soul-mate? Is there more then one. Explain.
~I dont think that people have soulmates. Once you meet someone, and fall in love with them and want to be with them forever, then their your soulmate, but you dont just meet a stranger and know that they're your soulmate. It's about knowing who you yourself is, and knowing the other person equally as well. So either you make someone your soulmate, or you never really have one. These things arent pre-determined.
.oo5 If you could change one SMALL thing about the world, not no war, peace etc., what would you change. How do you think this little change could make a big difference?
~ I'd legalize gay marraige.
Brag About Yourself
.oo1 What is one quality that you have that you feel no one else really has?
~I can crack my bones, a lot :D
.oo2 What color represents you? Why do you feel like this?
~Orange, because I'm full of energy and sometimes really unpredictable and spontaneous.
.oo3 You're beautiful (handsome), no matter what anyone else says, so what is one secret beauty tip or grooming tip that you do to look so good. (For example: Scrub your face three times then pat dry).
~I wear mascara. Period. That's all :D
.oo4 Do you feel like the world knows the real you or no? If not, why don't you tell us what you are all about. What are your thoughts, your views and who are you?
~Yeah the world knows me as well as their going to. I'm a straight-forward kind of person, call me obnoxious if you will... but yeah... I'm real. I'm who I am whether you like it or not, cuz I like me.
What do you think of
When you hear:
A baby crying: *tick tick tick* I hear my biological clock.
A plane taking off: Vrrrrmmmm - I like flying, its fun.
Waves splashing the sand: I think about sea-urchins biting my face off.
Commericals selling products: "I need that"
When you see:
A person crying: "Someone should comfort them in their time of emotional need"
A woman carrying tons of bags: I'd help her out.
A bus stopping to pick up people: People... getting on a bus... yeah.
With these words:
Argue: Hurt
Excitment: Smiles
Brand: New
Music: Opera
Cloud: White
Fill in the blank(s) below the sentance with 1 word
oo1. When I look in the mirror, I feel _____ because I think that I am _____.
Answer Here: Hott, Pretty
oo2. I secretly ______ in my room because if people saw they would be _____.
Answer Here: Look at porn, disgusted with me
oo3. Music makes me feel _____. I think that it is ______ because it can ________.
Answer Here: Relaxed, soothing, calm emotions
oo4. If I had one wish, I'd wish for _______ because it would _______ me.
Answer Here: A puppy, play with
Phantom of the Opera was good... long... but good. I enjoyed it bunches.
I'm hella tired, I'm going to sleep now.