1. Who do you admire the most and why?
Hmm... this is tough. I suppose I admire my mom because she works really hard to support me. I admire my friends for being good people. I really admire Travis for being able to put up with me, that's why he's my boo :D
2. What would you have as your last meal if you were on death row?
Fried chicken & instant mashed potatos.
3. What is your earliest memory?
As a child I had a cat named Cuddles that I would dress up in doll clothes and pretend she was my baby. I had a stroller from when I was a baby that I would put her in and I would push her up and down my driveway pretending that she was a real baby.
4. If you had 3 wishes, what would your 3rd wish be?
For unconditional, everlasting love.
5. If you had to be blind or deaf, which would you choose?
Blind because I could never live without being able to hear music.
6. Have you ever been dared to do something where the risk exceeded the reward (ie. jump off a building for a penny)?
I'm daring, but I'm not an IDIOT.
7. If you were forced to live the rest of your existence in a fictional world from a movie, book and TV show which ones would you select?
Hrrm. I dont know about a movie or book, but I'd wanna be part of the Camden family on 7th Heaven. :D
8. If you had a superpower, which superpower would it be and why?
I'd be able to morph into different things in order to hide myself in situations where I wouldnt want to be seen.
9. What is your favourite vegetable?
Hmm, it's a toss-up between peas and spinach
10. In how many different languages do you know the meaning of at least one word?
Four I think.
11. What did you want to be when you were a child?
A singer.
12. What one event (if any) would you change in your personal past if you had the power to do it once?
I would go back and change the course of the night that Matt died, and he wouldn't be gone.
13. What’s the one question you want to be asked of you in an interview?
Are you hard-working?
14. Have you ever cheated death?
I dont believe so. You cant cheat death... if death wants you then you'll die, by cheating death... death will chase you and you'll end up like the people in Final Destination
15. What was the most important decision you’ve ever had to make?
Hmm... What college to go to I guess... even though I regret coming here.
16. Which sports team do you support the most, and why?
The only sport I follow is baseball and I'm a hardcore Yankees fan. I guess it's because I grew up in a house where we always watched Yankees baseball and I couldnt avoid being a fan.
17. Mobile phones (cellphones) - evil or good?
Good. I'm obsessed with mine.
18. What is your favourite song at the moment?
"Soldier" by Destiny's Child
Guess who's NOT watching football.... Yep that's correct.
I have my first government test tomorrow, I should be hardcore studying for it, but instead I'm just sitting around doing nothing. None of my roommates are coming back until tomorrow. I dont like being left alone, I get bored. Friday night I slept at Amandas and then last night I went to the comedian, hypnotist, and illusionist show in Price with Jay. That wasn't too bad. After that Jay and I went and got some food at Sheetz. As we were walking back in the building the fire alarm went off, so we went and sat in the car. It was freeeeeeeezing out and I didnt have my coat. Five firetrucks ended up coming up. I bet the fire dept. seriously gets so pissed at our university for being such idiots.
I need a new icon.
I think my week is going to be pretty busy.