May 01, 2005 00:32
tonight me and my mom got into a really big fight...
she left for 5 hours and my dad came home and got mad at me because i made her upset and she left.
then she came home and she talked. i didnt have much to say, so we were better.
she went to bed but before she went to bed she gave me a really cold look and now i dont think were so good.
i dont want to fight like this anymore its such a waste of time because its always about the same thing...
tomorrow im going to the carnival with sarah then were going to watch garden state! that should make me feel better.
but other than that im good now.
and i think i have pneumonia, cuz ive had a hard time breathing all day.
my lj doesnt finish my entries nemore, i always put <33magz but it never posts it. so its there...u just cant see it.
i might get DSL! which whould give me like half of my life back because the dialup i have now is for shit, its the worst of the worst i cant even explain, thats how bad it is.
tomorrow is the last day of vacation. i had a pretty good vaca.
fri-dresden dolls concert!
sat.- who knows
sun.- rach meghan and jenny slept over, oh man did we have fun.
mon.-went to my moms work for volenteer work.
tues.-babysat all day and then went to see a movie i cant remember which one...damn.
wendz.-babysat all day again
thurz.- babysat, went to wally world, went to elise's party and saw the grudge, and ate cake :)
fri.- went to six flags and got to ride everyride like a million times so i had fun.
sat.- well u know
sun.- hopefully the carnival and garden state with sarah!!
i just wanted to do that so i could member my vacation i dont usually stay home i ususally go to see my grandparents but not this year i guess, maybe this summer i hope i miss them.
now im lisenin to music, and dancing, making the best of my last free saturday.
i wanna go to warped tour too. rach told me heather was gettin me a ticket but im not sure, so i went online and i found them for $55, and that was the cheapest but i wanna find cheaper if i can so if u know ne let me know.
wow this entry turned out to be really long but it helped me clear my head.