Feb 17, 2008 08:41
this weekend a lot of fun. I'm glad everyone came to Ryan's even though some things went wrong it was still good.
I finally got to spend some time with Maryjane, I miss her so much. her and Ryan had some maaaad bonding time which made me really happy because they're both really close to me.
I had an amazing talk with Kyle that made me happier than anything else in the world. I'm so glad that he finally understands what it feels like to feel the same way about someone because I think he'll start to realize a lot about what happend in our past and stuff.
lastnight I babysat, Brett came over for a bit to watch the Kimbo Slice fight - xtuffx. it was kind of akward for some reason, we didn't have that flow that we usually have when we're together. I know that after a matter of time without hanging out people grow apart but he was in my life for awhile so I don't really want to permanently drift from him.
I realized this weekend who my real friends are and I'm glad I did. just observing who does what in certain situations I saw the seperation between the ones who say they'd do anything for you + the ones who do. I'm tired of being ditched repeatedly for boyfriends, if you can't handle having a boyfriend and friends at the same time then you're obviously not mature enough to be in a relationship. I hate girls who act like their boyfriends have been there since day 1, who picked you up off the floor all those times you got your heart broken? not the guy your dating now.
friendship is taken for granted a lot, even I take it for granted sometimes I'll admit it. I'm glad I see it now though because my friends are absolutely amazing.
the worse of a friend you are to me just makes me want to be a better friend to everyone else.
three cheers for epiphany's!