Feb 28, 2007 21:32
>w< Yup, b-ball season is finally over... *sigh* I don;t know if I'll miss it, or be glad I don't have to wake up so much for practices anymore... Well,a ctually, I can still go on Monday mornings just to play some b-ball because our coach wants to organize something like that so we get more experience... ^^
Yesterday was Areas~ It was... interesting~ xP Plus we got ot miss a day of school... >w< It was held in Unionville High School so it was interesting watching people wander around between classes... xD Our first game was against Buttonville...
At first we (mainly me... *cough*) didn't come off to a good start, but then we ended up beating Buttonville anyways~ 8D Which means already we weren't the best team there and we did better than the last two years~ Yay~ XDDD
And then we went against Linkin... They were MEAN! D: They were so agressive and kept on hurting us... *sigh* We started off with a lead but then we lost it at the end... It was so sad... We were all like, I can't believe we're losing to Linkin...
And then Stonebridge, which we couldn't win because of Iris... XD We did pretty bad in the first half, but in the second half we did really well... Plus, the net hated us in that game... >> Playing Stonebridge is fun too. They're closer to our level and they're also really nice, maybe because we're neighbouring schools but ya...
Last was Parkview, which was an interesting game. I like playing against Parkview, even though it means we'll get owned... XD They're really nice... And they say sorry when they acceidentally hurt us. In fact, if one of our team members were down, they would stay behind to help them get back up and say sorry while the rest of their team continued playing.
So yeah we ended up getting 6th. xP And in our game against Parkview, Stonebridge was cheering for us~ XD And we cheered for Parkview in their game against Berczy. I don't like Berczy... >> Parkview's way nicer~ XD
I wish we couldn't stayed for the game with UPS against Parkview, but we had to leave... But we managed to convince Mr. Kipfer, who was driving us to take us to McDonalds for ice cream~ 8D Our coach wouldn't take us so we went in the other car and tried to convince him... XD Yay~ So I got ice cream nya~ <3<3<3
So it was a fun day overall... ^^ Except for maybe the time between games... I felt so ignored and excluded at those times... Well, not when I was playign cards... But I could tell the gr. 7's didn't like me much. One was really bitchy about it too... D< She didn't have to keep calling me a bitch every two seconds. Especially since SHE was the one who said pass so then I went. Then she was like, " Yo man, I can go! Bitch!" Hmph. When we stopped playing cards however, I was sitting on the side alone while everyone else had someone to talk to, so it was awkward... Oh and in the games too, everyoen was talkign to each other and I was just sitting there feeling all ignored and crap.
I've been so damn emotional lately. It sucks, I feel like crying every two seconds... Over the stupidest matters too... And in class today we did this activity where the teacher would say if ______ happened to you, go to this side of the room... It made me think a lot and I felt like crying... But it showed me how many other people have experienced the same thing as me before so that was itneresting. It felt really awkward though, because everyone was almost like sharing their secrets without even saying anything...
I also ended up sitting in the corner of the room crying for a bit... >> Which made me feel even stupider. Ah well, everyoen knows I'm emotional anyways... I mean I cried once because we lost a b-ball game after 3 OTs...
On the other hand, I watched Sukitomo! <3<3<3 It was so squeal worthy!!! ^^ I'm not going to spoil anything but ya it was awesome... I had to stop it in the middle to take a breather and a break... XD
But thena fter the first half, there wasn't much more fangirl worthy moments and they started talking a lot more so uh ya, I felt kinda bored becuase I didn't understand anything... >> I think I might like the storyline for Boys Love better... Although Sukitomo was awesome and had awesome fangirl moments... ^^ Plus, it had Aiba~ Which made me squeal even more... >>
But I loved it and definitely made me a very happy fangirl indeed~ 8D So yup, watch it! XD If not for the plot, for the fanservice!
Oh and I forgot to mention this in my last entry, but I got a new phone~ 8D So I'm happy abotu that too! ^^ And it's an mp3 phone too, because my mom got a new phone and passed hers down to me... xD I already have an mp3 so I don't really need the phone one... But I can still put songs in it I guess~ 8D