a new pet!

Aug 05, 2007 13:31

My family got ourselves a new kitten xD well, it was kinda a stray cat but it was beautifool *o* my previous kitty, fluffy, kinda like, ran away from the new house after we've given it away to another house due to problem raising it u_u it's not easy raising a cat in a shoplot u_u;

the new kitten is, unnamed yet but it have 3 colours xD black, orange and white x3 no pic since i din have the chance to take one so i'll do that next time xD;

on a side note, my study loan is kinda like approved by some bodies my dad applied for so yay for the good news to my dad and the bad news to mE since i have to pay it after i start working but well, its for my studies neway so i'll do my share in future u_u;


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