random meme D:

Jun 03, 2009 02:07

Tagged bybluecakes andwhitetiara

Starting time: 1.13am
Name: mE/Rahilah
Sisters: 1
Brothers: 2
Shoe size: 9. D:
Height: 166cm

Where do you live: PJ/JB, Malaysia.
Favourite drinks: Water/ Apple/Orange Juice depending on mood
Favourite breakfast: Mum's sandwich ;_; i miss them ;_;
Have you ever been on a plane?: Technically yes, but i have no memories of it for i was 2yo >.>
Swam in the ocean: Nope
Fallen asleep at school: Yeah
Broken someone's heart: Hmm.. dunno D:
Fell off your chair: yeah u_u
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: No.. D:
Saved e-mails: Yeah, those that i don't delete from inbox are all counted as saved?
What is your room like: ...a room.
What's right beside you: Wall O:
What was the last thing you ate: Nasi + Ayam kicap :D~ my ex-roomate cooked!
Ever had chicken pox: Yeah
Sore throat: Yeah. Strepsils is my best buddy those times ;_;
Stitches: Yeah "orz
Broken nose: Nope

Do you believe in love at first sight: Nope
Like picnics: Yeah
Who was/were the last person/people you danced with: ... Dunno D:
You last yelled at: Dunno too D:

Today did you:
Talk to someone you like: Um.. yeah?  My friend counts? =O
Kiss anyone: Nope
Get sick: Nope
Talk to an ex: I don't even have one lol.
Miss someone: My mum ;_;
Eat: err.. Nasi + Ayam kicap? D:
Best feeling in the world:  Feeling relieved
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: Nope u_u
What's under your bed: My empty travel bag, my books packed in boxes, my extensions and iron D:
Who do you really hate: People who annoys mE
What time is it now: 1.35am

Is there a person who is on your mind now: Sarah, aki, mum, my friend, my ex-friend and family? D:
Do you have any siblings: Yeah

Do you want children: Yeah
Do you smile often: Yeah
Do you like your hand-writing: Nope, unless I really tried hard in doing it.
Are your toe nails painted: Nope
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: Courts Mammoth's O:
What color shirt are you wearing now: Green
What were you doing at 7:00 p.m. yesterday: Helping my friend with her project making trees and roads side D:

Are you a friendly person: Depends
Do you have any pets: Yeah i did T_T Fluffy, kitty, rabbitty T_T
Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now?: Friend..? D:
Do you sleep with the TV on?: Nope
What are you doing right now?: uh, typing?
Have you ever crawled through a window?: Nopee.
Can you handle the truth?: Yes
Are you too forgiving?: Yeah i guess. I get that a lot from others
Are you closer to your mother or father?: Mom <3
Who was the last person you cried in front of?: My ex-friend-cum-roomate coz she dun understand simple english. It was so frustrating trying to convey the message to her "OTL
Do you eat healthy?: Nope when I'm independent xD;
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex?: hmm yeah? my ex-friend counts? D: it's stuck up there on the wall D:
Are you confident?: DEPENDS. lol D: but i do have stage fright o/

5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. Form 5 = SPM
2. Working at my dad's minimarket
3. Following stuffs at TVs D:
4. Sports T_T How i miss them T_T
5. Uh, dunno D:

5 things on my to-do list today:
1. Read up my new book <3
2. Write/Type up 1 month notice letter to move out of hostel
3. Start filling up friend's book of farewell thingy
4. Finish up re-reading till volume 4 of Nana "orz
5. Laundry D:

5 snacks I enjoy:
1. Secret Recipe's cheese or choc's cakes D:
2. Mars choc bar!
3. Cookies!
4. Kacang cap tangan O:
5. Um, dunno D:

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1. Travelling! ♥
3. A house+car
4. Invest them in gold
5. I guess I would donate some to somewhere

5 of my bad habits:
1. Chatterbox
2. Procrastinateeee
3. I do some things halfway "OTL
4. Aiming for perfection is some stuffs
5. dunno D:

5 places I have lived in:
1. Johor Bahru
2. Masai
3. Skudai
4. Bandar Utama
5. uh.. dunno D:

5 jobs I've had:
1. My dad's minimarket's cashier, odd job worker.
2. Intern in IBM
3. Student?
4. SPAM Inc's labourer? D:
5. Uh, dunno D:

I tag whoever out there D:


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