May 10, 2008 05:58

I get over my emo-ness pretty fast xD I feel a bit of an idiot for posting the previous post but w/e aite? Okay, more like, some things got better x3 though some worse =( well anyway, the good news is, currently my group assignment's mates biggest problem of fear-of-never-will-be-able-to-finish-database-and-pass-the-module just crossed over the safe line \o/ all thanks to having a sample database from another group neway haha. THAT, really save our asses. Well, just that we had to end up using most of our free time now to finish it, and figure out whatever coding error we encountered. "orz Other peeps spends 3 months for this bloody assignment and we'll be finishing it in 4 full days. We R AWESOME Well I still have another 10% of the database to finish up by the next 5 hours, then send to the next person for the next and final simple task. THEN PRESENTATION ON MONDAY! D8 -i just hope the lecturer isn't suspicious of our fake work "OTL

Truth to be told, I ended up being called over to finish up the basic stuff too so rather than mE feeling guilty that my part was totally wrong and was done by Miss A, I took up Miss A's workload so as to be fair (u_u)b It is just not in my nature to leave people suffering while I could have help afterall "OTL My bed is going further and further away (~.~)/

I hate group assignments when there's someone who get away free w/o doing anything, but still get marks thanks to our/other's sweat and blood poured into the work D: I REALLY DESPISE FREELOADERS. My group have 5 crooks members btw, so I guess it's normal? Okay, more like there's problems from bad management, wrongly appointed leader to the breach of trust among somebody within the team "OTL It's amazing the group still stand till today D: And for the record, this is my worst group in terms of teamwork and communication, but the best in covering up for it. Previously I didn't know whether to be happy or cry, but I think I'm still glad my group member is my group member now 8D;

Whooooo, I'm so chatty today "OTL I guess I'm hyper to finish them and then finish off my other marketing (group) assignment, which is due on monday too "OTL I'M GLAD I STARTED THIS ONE EARLY. "OTL It only have a bit more editing and conclusion + executive summary to do @_@ After monday, the worst assignment due on friday is on 8D and I haven't even started that one haha 8D
Since the last 25 hours, I accumulated only 1 session of 4 hours sleep, and I won't be able to sleep within the next 15 hours to finish my assignment before sunday since other members wanna check and stuff  "OTL I'm hope I can last that long without feeling sick "OTL 33 hours+ 2 session of 2 hours nap was my limit before I drop dead asleep on my  bunk (_-_)

I really need to change my LJ layout "OTL big font is big and old layout is old D: another 2 weeks to end my semester, 2 weeks 2 weeks 2 weeks "OTL

college stuff, assignments

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