when sometimes, surprises are not welcomed. >.>

Sep 24, 2007 22:05

edit: YUNA ITO IS LOVE ♥_♥ go listen to her music, the whole album dammit D8

well, it's been a while since i posted something at my journal =.= yes, my lazyness is at its peak, so forgive mE xO plus, i didn't really have time to venture out on the net due to my lovely connection mode ♥ and some things i had to deal at home =.= i only get to browse SPAM forum these days to check updates "orz  so there goes my KHR RAW hunting 8D; *just.wait.till.i.get.to.my.college.in.4.days.D8.*

okay so, by 28th this month, i'll be back at my hostel somewhere in Bandar Utama YAY! 8D the bad news, i'm not back in the same room so i dunno how my connection would be 8D; another bad news, Lil, my dear tweenie ♥ won't be with mE so i may not get the chance to go window shopping spree and all _|-|o" another another bad news, this time i got a roommate so um, i need to find the right timing to read um, doujins and stuff  "orz

i'm always going off topic from what i was intending to write u_U i hate it when i do so x_x it makes my post extra long but writing an essay to explain 2 simple point is.. just the type of person i am x_x;;

so actually, it was just another normal day today, but by the time it was my shift, i was greeted by loads of stuff by 3 company =.= now that sucks you know why? coz i had to do ALL the checking, ALL the pricing, and ALL the arranging. >.> and to make it worse, while i was there, another 2 company gladly threw more stuff to mE so that's makes 5 co. worth of things =_= the worker was supposed to handle this? he was off to rest and when he came back, he was pretty much useless =_= quote taken from russell peters: 'Indians, can never do labour work.' at least somewhere along that line >.> well if you're thinking about it, yeah, my dad hired a worker from India for labour work here but he was pretty much slow and i think even i did much more work (before he came here) than he does.  =.=

and later on, at night, i wanted to go to the night market to buy some tudungs (or scarf isit?) but my plan to drag my mum along failed coz then, there would be no one to tend to the counter. my dad? you must be kidding xD;; so my mum asked my dad to drop mE off to the pasar malam while he goes to the night bank (lol) and pick mE up upon his return. this all happened around 8.30pm, and my dad agreed. by the time hewas ready, it was 9.30pm and i'm pretty sure the makcik selling tudungs there had already pack up her things by 9.00pm =.= so i said 'nvm, i'll go next time' and my dad goes 'why? o_O'.. i had this urge to throw a pail of water to my dad but yeah, imagination always tend to be hard to apply to reality so.. there goes my hope.

and the current surprise, my mom is watching Takeshi Castle on youtube at the desktop o_O with my sis guiding her. mE? i gave up long time ago "orz but my mum successfully used the ESC key to exit from the full view so i was really happy and congratulated her \(T_T)/ i'm proud of my mom coming this far ;_;" you have no idea, how hard was it to guide my mom "orz but then again, my mum still can't do anything else successfully so there goes the short lived happiness xDD;

uh well, dc-ed two times after typing this far and i'm pretty sure i'm not gonna be back for sumtime till i start classes by next monday @_@

at home

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