I came here to check out your colorbars and I couldn't help reading this *tight hugs*
Don't be sad, sugar. I've been there, and I know how much it hurts to lose someone so close to you, either by hurting them or pushing them away. All I can say is don't beat yourself up, because it won't do anything other than make you feel worse that you already do. I know it must hurt terribly, and it's going to take time but sooner or later things will get better. Take care *TIGHTERHUGS!*
I guess I beat myself up because I have such a wonderful fiance' that i've been with for almost 2 years, yet I still do these things. She has been handling it better then I expected, and holds me when I breakdown (which has been more and more often), but I still feel guilt for the emotions I hold onto. I cried to her the other night, and said "I want to give you all of me, but I feel that these things are holding me back." Thanks for the comment. :) If you ever need some colorbars made, feel free to request.
Thanks for the offer, and I just might take you up on it sometime (on a freakish colorbar craze this week =x Would it be ok if I friended you, btw?).
You're lucky to have someone who cares about you so much. Despite the past, just try and focus one what you have ... a girl who loves you and who is willing to be there for you. That's more than most people find in a lifetime. Take care, sugar.
Don't be sad, sugar. I've been there, and I know how much it hurts to lose someone so close to you, either by hurting them or pushing them away. All I can say is don't beat yourself up, because it won't do anything other than make you feel worse that you already do. I know it must hurt terribly, and it's going to take time but sooner or later things will get better. Take care *TIGHTERHUGS!*
You're lucky to have someone who cares about you so much. Despite the past, just try and focus one what you have ... a girl who loves you and who is willing to be there for you. That's more than most people find in a lifetime. Take care, sugar.
Indeed, I am lucky to have her. Thanks for the much needed advice, I'm definitely taking it to heart.
I hope you feel better, and didn't mind advice from a random stranger =)
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