
Apr 18, 2005 14:24

hey all you kids out there.

well today was day one of TAKS testing. wow that stuff is wayyy gay times 9. i see no point to it. adn considerin all i have to do is work untill i accaully take the math one on thursday...i dont see why i even need to be here.

eww i have just felt like crap all day long. even a few people noticed that im not talkin much or anything. its kinda makin me mad that everyone keeps asking whats wrong with me. i know that omly wanna make it better....but i mean i all i feel like doin is curling up and cryin....i really just don't want to talk. wow ok i don't even think im makin coherrent sense anymore. ughhh.. have you ever just had one of those days?

Chrissy is back. wow i missed that girl x9. you wouldn't believe.

kjahfdslsakhfdkljsahdfjkahsdjfhaksljdhfqwieh;qd;fjkhip;knih; <-------- me being very very bored

yeah i think now im just tryin to waste time just because im sittin here in journalism and i just don't feel like workin on my magazine project. which is weird because i love this class....i just don't feel like working. wow im thinkin i should absolutly write in this more often. i know i know i know....i always say i will....but i swear this time im going to...because im awesome like that.

eww how gay is this? i hafta babysit on tuesday because my parents want to go to NIOSA??!?!?! gosh when did they turn into such queerbaits? huh? they we just sayin u should because of all the money they are spending on my banquet stuff. i absolutly love the dress i got. although i really need to go tanning before i wear it makes my chest look all looks like im taking a little adventure to the tanning salon.

wowzers i like *him* so much. he is the best guy i can think of.i love who i am when im with him. i love how he makes me feel. its just a feeling that i can't describe. its an amazing feeling. but he just confuses so much. im not even jokin.

hi!! <----- that was from Ms.Mimi Starr McGee

well im gonna go talk to Ms.Lauren McVey....because she is one cool cat

duce ok no im never sayin that again

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