Jan 30, 2005 03:00
hey well im really bored so i'll just tell you guys about the last past two weeks have been for me.
The week we had Monday of bcuz of mlk daii:
tuesdaii- i got to skool and thats when the drama started. Ppl were coming up to me insulting me and talking shit to me clamming that i was talking shit about Mark and Jessica when i really wasnt! see this is what happens when ur an ex- girlfriend, u get blamed for jealousy! and just to let u guys know i really wasnt talking shit about them, i just tried not to express how felt becuz i know that if i would have i would've been crying my eyes out becuz of all the things that were happening. so then i finally broke down... i just let it out,every little thing that i've been keeping in for sooo long i finally let it out, i started to cry during 3rd and i didnt stop crying until 6th. it was really weird becuz i would try to stop crying by not thinking about and then when i would finally get it off my mind it would come right back.Mark if ur reading this i just want to let u know that that lil thing that shantel said about me wanting to get back with u and that i would do n e thing to get u back IS NOT TRUE that is sick i wouldnt do n e of that shit cuz thats just sick! im not shantel that goes around sucking every bodys dick so yea i just wanted to clear that up. okaii so yea that was tuesdaii.
Wednesdaii-i didnt want to go to skool bcuz of everything but ended up going n e way bcuz either waii i was just going to have to face the music so yea. but everything ended up being okaii.
thursdaii-haha i dont remeber what happened i guess nothing happened.
well i cant remeber what else went on that week. i think mark and jessica broke up on fridaii or thurdaii iim not sure but the daii that they broke up jessica was standing on a circle with this girl named vannesa and another girl named robynn and when i passed by jessica said that robynn had said " i bet michelle is going to be happy u guys broke up..." and when jessica told me what she had said i was like okie wtf i never said that and i never said that i was going to be happy bcuz them two breaking is not what i wanted to happen cuz actually i really tried not to let it bother me or get to me i just was like whatever about it and tried not to show any expressioon what so ever. but i dont know wtf robynn was talking about cuz on Saturdaii her and mark hooked up!! now aint that skandolous!! man jessica was pissed cuz robynn had lied to her.. well im not going to give details or ne thing becuz sometimes ppl misinterpet what i write and go around saying that im talking shit so im just going to keep quiet. man i dont know about gms and all these ppl ne more.. that skool is just full of fucking drama man! Vannesa yea i wanna say something to you its not n e thing bad but y r u telling mark that " i love him" i dont even love mark! wtf!! i realllllllyyy like him but i dont love him so yea i owuld appreciate it if u would quite it ok thnx. well all i gotta say is mark and robynn i hope u 2 last and to the rest of these ppl just plz dont say shit if u dont kno thnx it would really help..
<3 *michelle*