a quiz like thing..

Nov 17, 2004 17:21

1] Like to give hugs?:yes
2] Like to walk in the rain?: love it.
3] Sleep with or without clothes on?:pajamas...
4] Prefer black or blue pens?: blue
5] Dress up on halloween?: Yeah
6] Have a job?: No
7] Sleep on your side, tummy or back?:all three
8] Think your attractive?: eh...kinda
9] Want to marry?: Yes
11] Have a goldfish?: No
12] Ever have the falling dream?:all the time
13] Have stuffed animals?: yea, im like 5..lol

1] Abortion:hm..i really think its up to the woman, im not for it, but under certain circumstances...
2] Eating disorders: my cousin was anorexic..its yucky.
3] Rape: my other cousin was raped ..its horrible.
4] Suicide: stuoid!!
5] South park:im not sure..its ok..
6] Peircings: they are ok.
7] Make-up: Fine with me, but don't over do it
8] Drinking: hey, why not?

1] piss: earlier..
2] kiss:yesterday <3
3] good cry: the day before yesterday
5] movie seen at the Theater: saw
6] book read: that book for l.a
7] cuss word uttered: fuck
8] beverage drank: water
9] food consumed: breakfast
10] crush: devon <3
11] phone call:1/2 hour ago..didnt end well..
12] tv show watched: news
14] shoes worn: dc's
15] cd played: taking back sunday
16] item bought:breakfast
17] soda drank: chris's faygo..lol
18] thing written: a poem
19] key used: moms car
20] word spoken: monday
21] sleep: 10mins ago
22] IM: cousin
23] sexual fantasy: uh..
24] ice cream eaten: chocolate...ew.
25] time wanting to die: hm...im not getting into it.
26] lipstick used: don't know
27] time dancing: yesterday morning
28] show attended: idk
29] webpage visited: livejournal

A - Age: 14
B - band: im in band! lol.
C - Choice Of Meat: hmm...
D - Dream Date:dk
E - Excites You:everything
F - Favourite Food: spaghetti
G - Greatest Gift: idk
H - Happiest Day Of Your Life: not going there..memories..
I - Internal conflicts:multiple.
J - Junior whoppers: What?
K - Kool Aid:grape
L - Love: its the best
M - Most Valuable Thing You Own:
N - Name: lizzy
O - Outfit I Love: hm..jeans, blue shirt, that one im wearing tomorrow
P - Pizza Topping: cheese
Q - Question I want to ask: how can you say i never loved you?
R - Roots: (ethnic) mexican
S - Sport to watch: football, basketball
T - TV show: The OC
U - Unique habits: i'm left handed..
V - View from the window: My backyard, a fence..
Y - Yesterday's best meal: i dont remeber what i ate yesterday..i had a really good apple yesterday tho..
Z - Zodiac Sign: aqaurius

+your three best qualities = im usually pretty friendly..unless i dont like you, im really forgiving, prolly to forgiving and im..easy to talk to i guess..
+three worst qualities = not very patient, i tend to snap at people randomly,easily annoyed
+three things you are often complimented for = pretty, funny, hair
+a compliment you got that made you blush ="your so beautiful"
+makes you happy =my friends (chris, usually christian..) Devon <3 , music
+upsets you = christian.

yes or no..

+you keep a diary = kind of.
+you like to cook = sometimes
+you have a secret you have not shared with anyone = i have many secrets only one person knows..but otherwise, no
+you fold your underwear = no, i don't see the point
+you talk in your sleep = im told i do
+you set your watch a few minutes ahead = no. that bugs me.
+you bite your fingernails = yes
+you believe in love =yea.


x. you wish you could live somewhere else = sometimes
x. you believe in online dating = no
x. others find you attractive = ask them, not me
x. you want more piercings =i dont have any, so how can i want more?
x. you want more tattoos =i dont have any, so how can i want more?
x. you drink = yup
x. you do drugs = not usually
x. you smoke =again, not usually
x. you like cleaning = when i get pissed off, i clean..
x. you like roller coasters = yea
x. you write in cursive or print = print, but it always is kind of cursivy when im writing like poems or something
x. you carry a donor card = uh, ho

have you..

x. ever cried over a boy/girl = more than i should.
x. ever lied to someone = Yes
x. ever been in a fist fight = no
x. ever been arrested = No


x. shampoo do you use =herbal essences
x. perfume do you use = shi
x. shoes do you wear = dc's, and my converse

|| Favorite: ||
4 letter word: shit
Actor/actress: ben affleck, julia stiles
Board game: life
Book:chinese cinderella
Candy: skittles
Cartoon: spongebob
Cereal:lucky charms
Chewing gum: doulbe mint
Color(s): pink
Day of week: Saturday!
Flower: white roses
Jello flavor: strawberry
Jewelry: necklaces
Special skills/talents:hm..im not sure
Summer/Winter: winter
Trampolines or swimming pools: Pools

|| Person who last: ||
Slept in your bed: me
You went to the movies with:devon,alicia, roy
Yelled at you: christian
Sent you an email: Samantha denuae

|| Have you ever: ||
Said "I love you" and meant it?: yes
Kept a secret from everyone: no, ive told one person absolutely evrything
Cried during a movie: Yes
Planned your week based on the TV Guide: only thursdays ! <3
Been on stage: yup
Been to New York: nope
Been to California: No
Hawaii: No
Mexico: No
China: No
Canada: No, and i live in michigan..pathetic, i know
Europe:i leave march 25th.!!.im so pumped
Asia: No
South America: No
Australia: No
Wished you were the opposite sex: no
What time is it now? 5:52
Apples or bananas?: apples
Blue or red?: Blue
Walmart or target?: walmart
Spring or Fall?: fall
What are you gonna do after you finish this?:sleep..chat. idk
High school or college?: high school
Are you bored?: no not really
Last noise you heard?:taking back sunday
Last smell you sniffed?: supper
Last time you went out of state/province?: band trip--cincinnatti

|| Friendship/Love: ||
Do you believe in love at first sight?: yes
Do you want children one day & if so, how many?: 3
Most important thing to you in a friendship is: trust
|| Other Info: ||
Criminal record?: No
Do you speak any other languages?:
Name some of your favorite things in your bedroom?: bed,radio
Thing you dislike about yourself the most: hmm..theres too much to choose from
Worst feeling in the world: havong your heart broken

|| You: ||
Nickname(s): lizzy..lizzers <3 (in the good ol' days of 6th grade)
How old do you look?: idk
How old do you act?: 5
Glasses/Contacts: No.
Braces: I might have to have 'em
Do you have any pets?: 2 dogs, a cat and 2 snakes
You get embarrassed: No not really
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