(no subject)

Mar 08, 2008 12:12

 so i was texting ryan last night.. at 4 am
i have come to realize that icant use T9 word at night

i sent really weird messages like 'omg do not tell of that now in all freaked out that youll crash now you gotta in good and tell of asap that youre ok'.. i think i meant to say 'omg do not tell me that now im all freaked out that youll crash now you gotta go home and tell me asap that youre ok'
i guess thats why he never called me haha

and random drafts like 'tell him that i madude amd o want sonq' and 'nxm kk j'

i know i have no life. thats how much of a loser i am.

i think were going to cy's in ellicott today. awesome. i get my new team suit plus maybe a new practice suit. cuz the practice suits i have are mostly drag and in the summer i dont like to drag. in the winter i do.... so i only have 2 practice suits that are my endurance... theyll last forever but whatevs i dont always want to wear an endurance suit.

i need to buy a bikini top i have a bunch of bottoms but not really any tops. because most of my suits are ones other people gave me so my massive chest wont fit. have to start working on my pecs again

i had a nightmare last night it was bad. there was a game where you were in one side of the forest and you had to collect things and if you didnt get them all the murderer went to the other side of the forest and shot someone from your team. then someone else had to play and the game continued on and on. well the murderer scared the fuck out of me and like i guess he got something so i was trying to get my two sisters and my cats so we could get to my car and get out of there even though they werent playing but then the murderer found us so we went back inside and im just so horrified. i woke up after that feeling awful.

i get nightmares a lot and this horrible dread comes over me. i usually call john and he makes things better but i didnt call him for this one because my usual nightmares involve animals attacking me and things like that... so i dont really feel better.
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