May 05, 2005 21:41
today has just been "one of those days" .....
please keep Mr. Winslow and his family in your prayers, his son died and the funeral was today, so they have a tough road ahead of them, so please keep them in your prayers as well!!!!
guess what?! i only have to depend on someone to bring me home from school for two more days! how cool is that?? like today, i panicked b/c i forgot to call sara for a ride, and she had to pick dylan up early, so i have to franticly (sp???) find a ride, and thankfully candi stepped in, but yea.... i won't have to worry about that AT ALL after tuesday!! how cool!!! :-D
5 more days!!!!! :-D ... or 4 however you look at it!
God is Love.