May 04, 2004 11:11
I have so much going through my mind right now. I can't decide whether I'm happy or miserable. It's almost like there can't be any inbetweens for me. I can never understand why I feel the way I do, and I don't think I'm going to any time soon.
This week has been so hectic and it's really starting to get to me. I have no time to breathe. Hopefully this weekend will be less stressfull. I'm hoping that it will give me a chance to just relax and not think about anything. There is a certian few people who I can hang out with and no matter what we do or talk about I always leave feeling just a little bit better than when I first started. I need that. Sarah, thank goodness for you.
Dear Leanne,
Please stop being such a fuckass. I'd appriciate it.
Thank you,