May 28, 2005 23:57
wow. these past 3 days have been insane. this summer is already going so good. i love life so much right now. i'm meeting new people and getting together with friends i havent seen in years. its so awesome. every day i do something and same with every night. my new cerfew is like midnight. its so great. everything is actually coming together. i mean sure, i get the usual problems every once and a while. but over all everything is fucking awesome. i love moments in life like this where everything just comes together. its so perfect. i love my true friends. this feeling i have is the best. just these past 3 days ive met/hang out with/seen 5 friends that i haven't talk to in years. its so cool. ive met about 9 new people. it seems like once you clear out a part of your life that kinda pulls at you, and you have to drag it around, it starts new beginings. i'm glad with the decisions i made, even tho i had to get some help along the way. i made [ most of ] them my self and im glad.
on the other hand. kel dyed my hair tonight. its so fucking awesome. and were doing hers tomorrow and then the jamisonparker show is on monday!!!!! ahhh this summer is going to be me so fucking great. god. i love life.
---- now peace the fuck out bitchez.