Friends Only

Feb 08, 2009 05:49

Stephanie's Journal is
❤ ❤ Friends Only ❤ ❤

So, the real reason i created a new livejournal instead of just keeping the old one is because i need some form of privacy, where i can spill my thoughts and emotions without worrying about who will read it or who will tell who every little detail and aspect that's going on in my loathsome life.

Most of the things that are written here, is and will be very personal. I just hope that nobody goes around telling people this and that and starting rumors, as we all know it's a pretty small world and i can't exactly trust my old livejournal and everyone on my friendslist there. I ended up finding out a lot of the people on my other account's friendlist is somehow linked to the people that i know in real life, which could complicate things, if something were to accidently slip from one of their mouths.

Instead of going through my friends list and deleting people one by one,  I decided to just create a whole new journal alltogether. That way people won't ask 'why did you delete me?' etc. , It makes it a lot easier for me, and because of the fact not a lot of people know i have this journal; i feel more comfortable with that. && if YOU DO happen to know any of the people i mention in my posts or have anything to do with them, please keep all of this to yourself.

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