Oct 25, 2007 15:28
...for those of you with tender eyes/ears, don't read...i promise there will be a lot of cussing.....
and now back to our regularly scheduled rant......
WHAT THE BLEEDING FUCK! so because of the fires, (which are unfortunate) the dean or whoever has decided that the air is poor enough to shut down the school and not allow anyone on campus. generally speaking, i usually wouldn't mind the night off, except we open a week from saturday, which is already cause to worry, we didn't rehearse monday night, didn't do much rehearsing last night, (because it was a tech) and we loose tonight and tomorrow night, as well as monday and tuesday night because of the gala that's opening up the main stage. we have three more rehearsals...that's it...and they're all dress rehearsals, as well as being our last fucking chance to clean shit up. it's fucking pissing me off, because i want feedback from my director telling me whether what i'm doing will work or not, do i need more or less, and i can't fucking very well do that without him there! and there's a little thing about my makeup that i need to figure out and this is pretty much my last chance to practice before my dress rehearsal. this is fucked up shit man. i'm so fucking angry about it...and really want the show to go well, but how the hell is it all going to work out mikssing this many rehearsals??? ARGH!