Aug 25, 2003 19:45
Geoffrey finally got a diagnosis today. He has Alpha 1 Anti-tryipson disease.
Which is, a genetic disorder that involves the liver and lungs. Pretty much the lungs do not have the enzyme (produced by the liver; called "ALPHA 1") to protect the lungs from the damage good hearted white blood cells create while attacking the flu, pneumonia, or allergies.
SO, every time Geoff gets ANY kind of illness his body will react by making white blood cells to fight away infection. As all healthy bodies do. BUT, healthy people have an enzyme made by the liver that protects the delicate lungs from these white blood cells. (which cause lung disease)
There is no cure. No medication. There is however augmentation. If he gets the flu or whatever he can go in for IV treatment of the protein ALPHA 1 given by a donor. This transfusion is on the market under the brand name "polastin".
Thus also meaning Geoff can never have a pet, be near smoke, fumes, bleach, aerosol sprays, pesticides, drink alcohol, or live in a home with an excess of dust.
He has to get a FLU SHOT, a Pneumonia shot, and a few others every year. He also must see a gastroenteroligist & pulmonary specialist every 4 months.