Nov 14, 2003 07:01
wow i havent updated in forever. the past two times that i have tried to update ive written out whole entries only to click update journal and lose them. grr frustrating.
so many things have happened since i last wrote.
- im legally divorced now. its official as of nov. 17. such a bittersweet feeling ive had since. im not dwelling on it. and on a positive note - i finally have closure. since becomming legally divorced michael and i have not been talking as much. we still manage to talk once every two days but the content of our conversations has just totally deteriorated. for the long run though im sure this is a good thing - what we had before was very unhealthy and sick. he recieved news yesterday that is going to be going to baghdad for one year in febuary. he is obviously scared - im terrified as well but right now i cant afford to be an emotional mess so i will jump this hurdle when the time is more appropriate. i still love him i still care for him - but oddly enough as soon as our divorce was finalized - something in me died. i think ive become a better person as a result.
- ive fucked my hair up. too much straightening has dried my hair out - so many split ends. ive gotten rid of most of them.
- this past week or so ive been a domestic goddess. im sure there is a correlation between my current habits and hobbies with my upcoming menstrual cycle. this past week ive been in martha stewart mode and its been very productive. inbetween making home made potions for my hair and face - ive been cooking dinner for my family and cleaning up afterwards - making pouches and bear cub masks for the boys with my sewing machine - cleaned my room - cleaned my car - made headbands that iw ill actually wear in public someday - i sewed up a hole in the couch that marlo made.
- my nice attitude has brought good fortune to me. last night my father took me shopping and bought me a winter jacket - hat with pin - beige couderoy skirt - new nighttime moisterizur - an eye and face stress cream. and at the end of our shopping fun he gave me 20 dollars. very nice of him.
- i have a new boyfriend. his name is stuart taranto. he is 35 years old and the coolest man ive ever met. he is a re-toucher for a firm in nyc. he builds unrealistic goals for young girls - recently he took 2 inches off of brittney spears and air brushed the almost black freckles on her cleavage - he cleaned up her fat stubby unkept finger nailss as well. it was soo cool because he showed me the before prints and the after prints. he does work for nyco - express for men and woman - and lots of headshots. its soo cool - what he does. he is just an amazing person. i dont think ive ever smiled so much - he is so funny and he has this amazing energy. he has a cat named carol who doesnt grow - she is as big as a martini glass. he says all the right words with amazing speed. he makes me these magical cds - he has great taste in music. he is great and he is mine. untouchable to retardation and jealousy - i expect great things.
everything is good.