I... really need to get caught up on the Nationals OVAs. I mean.
Araki's a seiyuu lol wut? I AM SO BEHIND ON THE TIMES.
In other news, some woman my mother works with is being totally jerked around in a big way by this guy she was dating online, so everyone she works with is being all secret agent, trying to figure something out because she is hugely in denial. My mom got the guy's cellphone number and my brother is using his freakish little online network to try to work stuff out. Mom says he's consulting with 'some hacker website', but this is coming from my mother and concerning my brother, so it could be 4chan for all I know. But he is quite adept at coding and hacking, so hell, who knows. (Not a kid whose bad side you want to be on, is all I'm saying.)
Apparently in the meantime my brother's been leaving weird messages on this guy's cellphone answering machine. Because, y'know, sometimes low-tech can be effective too. The entire time I was being told this I was cracking up. MY AWESOME LITTLE BROTHER, LET ME SHOW YOU HIM.
*sigh* Kinda makes me miss home. ^.^;;;