Okay, I finally finished up my TackeyxShoon fic, but it turned out mucho creepy. So, I wrote a brief letter to everyone who was mentioned (and some who weren't) and apologized to them. Because I don't really care for logic or continuity, I've decided to post the letters before the fic.
And yes, my nickname changes slightly depending on whom I'm writing to. (Who? Whom? In that case, I'm not really sure...)
Dear Tackey,
Oh gosh, I'm sorry like you can't believe for how I portrayed you in The Line Begins to Blur. See, I just got the idea into my head, and couldn't get it gone until I'd written it out... not that that's much of an excuse. I know you're probably not a creepy psycho pedo dude. You're probably nothing like me. Please accept my sincerest apologies.
Dear Shoon,
I'd just like to apologize for the angst and drama I heaped on you in The Line. You don't deserve that crap. Um... yeah, I think that about covers it.
Dear Reon,
I'm trying to think why I should apologize to you, but I can't really think of anything. So, I guess I'm sorry for dropping you into a story so full of angst and general creepiness?
Dear Hikaru,
I'm sorry I said you're a bad kisser even though it's probably true. Really, just get your teeth fixed and I'll stop picking on you. Promise!
Dear Yabu,
Sorry for turning you into furniture.
Dear Taiyo,
Sorry for not mentioning you. At least you're not furniture.
Dear Koichi,
I really didn't mean to turn you into Clare Quilty, I swear, even if he would have been a really interesting character if, yeah, the whole last half-dozen or so chapters of Lolita had never happened. I'm sorry, I swear it wasn't intentional. Could be worse -- you could be Humbert.
Dear Tsubasa,
Sorry. For, um, everything. Yeah.
Sorry for calling you skinny, girly little things. Even though you really are.
Dear Jin,
I feel like I should apologize. I'm not really sure why. So, um, sorry. We good?
Dear Tsuyoshi,
I wish I could say I'm sorry, but I'm really not.
Dear Kanjani8 (including Ryo),
Gomen ne!
Dear maximum of two Kansai Juniors,
Er, sorry. My bad.
Dear Jimmy Mackey,
Sorry for saying you're on crack. I'm just jealous of your awesome job. (No, really.)
~Kei Somethingorother
Dear David Blaine,
Why are you in my fic? Get out! Now!
~ .
Dear Tegoshi,
OH MY GOD I'M SO SORRY! I feel so guilty for saying what I did, even if it was just a little thing, your name was just the first one that popped into my head as I was writing and it seemed to kind of work and I was trying to imply that you're inexperienced in comparison to Tackey to emphasize your sweet, innocent nature, but it totally didn't come out right! I'm so sorry~!
~Kesshi the weeping fangirl
Dear Toma,
Sorry for implying you may or may not 'get around'. Marry me?
~Kei ♥