I may have gotten carried away with "I ALWAYS WANT HONGUN TO WIN EVERYTHING."

Jul 19, 2011 10:22

So last night was the first half of the GSL July semis, and given HongUn and MC are the only players left I actually care about of course they were facing off. Pretty much the entire internet was cheering for MC, and as he has two GSLs under his belt he was the obvious choice, but I have an enormous soft spot for HongUn so when DUCKVILLELOL (a decently known Australian fan I'm casually acquainted with) asked if anyone thought HongUn actually stood a chance, I immediately replied that "I ALWAYS think HongUn has a chance." I was promptly laughed at in a good natured fan-rival kind of way, but then

BAM. HongUn takes the first match in no time at all.

BAM. HongUn takes the second round.


All told, HongUn beat the living hell out of MC 3-1 and I had a thrilling "told you so" moment while the Twitter-based portion of SC2 fans were like "THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED". I LOVE WHEN ROOTING FOR THE UNDERDOG PAYS OFF, YOU GUYS. I LOVE IT. AHN HONG WOOK ALWAYS MAKES SURE I NEVER REGRET BEING A PROUD AND VOCAL DIEHARD FAN. ♥

And though I had a kind of guilty-feeling suspicion that everyone was internet-glaring at me, once I asserted I am still very fond of MC (just not as fond as I am of HongUn!) and was subjected to a little good-natured ribbing, it was concluded that I can get away with it apparently on account of being Canadian. I don't pretend to understand, but I'm not fool enough to argue! (Commonwealth-ers gotta stick together, I guess?)

So yeah, Polt's victory over the 2011 Super Tournament secured my dream of a member of Team Prime finally winning a GSL, so if HongUn keeps it up we may see a second in a row! EXCITED.

i am awesome, starcraft

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