Upon discovering this wonderfully peculiar site,
I Write Like, I was overcome with curiosity as to which published authors my writing most resembles. I think this is an understandable thing to be curious about. I plugged in one of my fics, then another, and once I saw what a broad range I was getting I decided to systematically plug in the entire contents of my fanfiction.net account. Here's what I found out:
* I write like a guy. Of the 18 authors I apparently write like, three are female, and none of them turned up more than once.
* My gradeschooler catpeople fics are in the style of Nabokov, my ridiculous noncanon catboy fic is in the style of Stephanie Meyer, and my sparkly vampires are in the style of Stephen King and Edgar Allan Poe. I am happy with this result, haha.
* The only time I got Isaac Asimov as a result was the only fic involving a robot. The only time I got Lovecraft was a pointless sappy romance. OH REALLY.
A list of the authors I got as results, grouped by how many times they came up:
1: Gertrude Stein, Daniel Defoe, Douglas Adams, Stephenie Meyer, Isaac Asimov, Stephen King, Arthur Clarke, William Gibson, Kurt Vonnegut, Vladimir Nabokov, Margaret Mitchell, Harry Harrison, Edgar Allan Poe, H.P. Lovecraft, Raymond Chandler
2: David Foster Wallace, Dan Brown
6: Chuck Palahniuk
So IDK brb rewriting Fight Club or something. (I've never read anything by Palahniuk, so I'm not sure how to feel about this.) And the last thing this made me realize is that one day I want people to tell me I write like Joey Comeau, or Tablo from Epik High, or both, or just me. I would like any of those things.
...And that made me realize that I've never written anything involving zombies. And now I really want to.
(This post is apparently in the style of H.P. Lovecraft. Who knew!)