I think this was supposed to be creepy and unsettling but lololol that's kinda what rooms I live in end up looking like. AMATEURS.
Two episodes into Ryuki I'm starting to think I'm pretty much immune to its catoptrophobic paranoia fuel because I'm already like that to begin with.
Just think about it. Every mirror - hell - every single reflective body you walk past could be a portal from which a monster whose only desire is to eat you could emerge from. And don't think it's just that odd piece of glass in the streets, or that puddle of water you need to worry about either. Every mirror is fair game, even the ones in your home. Really, the only guarantee of survival in the Ryuki world possible if you were just a 'normal' is to lock yourself in at home and cover up every piece of glass.
lololol you guys that's already the mindstate I live with. Try harder. |D