Ashita no Joe Boxing Manga Goes Live-Action: Tomohisa Yamashita of idol group NEWS said to star in film remake of classic - WHAT. NO, WHAT. Let's get things straight: I have been gradually attempting to work my way through Yamapi's dramas with questionable success, and I think of him as more or less a fairly decent actor. I enjoy his works. But YOU DO NOT CAST YAMAPI AS YABUKI FUCKING JOE, OKAY?! First
Cross Game spontaneously ENDS, now this? Shounen manga, why have you forsaken me?!
But hey, this is how life balances itself:
Yusuke Yamamoto stars in rhythmic gymnastics drama - Well first, lol. But I am squeeing like a moron because SETO KOJI AND YANAGISHITA TOMO IN A DRAMA TOGETHER! What shut up I CAN SHIP THEM IF I WANT, I HAVE RIGHTS. But seriously,
nice tights, guys. :3
Other random shit:
* Remember me lol'ing at 2ch "casting" Miura Haruma as the guy in Gantz who gets badtouched by bullies? Apparently he's actually going to be played by Shiraishi Shunya; upon learning this I discovered it is possible to go XD and :( at the same time. I know nobody knows who he is, but I like him anyway. |D
Highschool of the Dead Manga Gets Anime Green-Lit - Zombie anime directed by Araki Tetsuro (Death Note, Kurozuka), FUCK YEAH DO WANT!
"Dead Rising" zombie game comes to life - Live action zombie movie starring Yazaki Hiroshi (one half of the Jimmies), FUCK YEAH DO WANT!
Media Blasters Hints at Live-Action Bible Black Trailer - ...lolwut. |D
And speaking of... stuff... I'm watching Kamen Rider Kiva again (as in, starting back up where I left off) for no discernable reason. I'm still pretty bleh about it, but Tatsulot is helping! A great deal! Aww he's totally cute. I was also delighted by the casting of one particular Fangire, my reaction to whom was pretty much, "I KNOW HIM FROM SOMEWHERE but I have no idea where! But man, he has such a nice voice..." Finally I clued in that HA HE VOICED TAKAKI IN 5 CENTIMETERS PER SECOND! Then I got all wibbly and a bit weepy. TAKAKI-KUN~ ;_; That movie seriously made me its bitch. Anyway, I still have no love for Wataru, Mio, or, let's face it, PRETTY MUCH ANYONE, but d'awww Ramon sure is a cutie, huh. :3